So you're saying my expectations shouldn't regard Morrowind, and that I should just forget about it? Was Morrowind just a beautiful accident of nature- an isolated incident? Maybe so, but I hope not
Not really, I'm trying to say two different things:
-you have replied to one of vsions' post with "Please the majority, as you say. But your game will be lost to history." In my opinion that's just nonsense. So many works of art exist that are also very popular, movies, songs, and video games. The two are not mutually exclusive
and secondly
-how can you tell
now that Skyrim won't be an "artistic achievement," as you said? I can't, and I just don't see how you can from what little (yes, little) we have actually seen of the game. All we have right now are a few pictures and a trailer to show us what the world looks like, and that's not much to go by. I remember I was in awe with Oblivion pre release screenshots, they were just breathtaking... yet I didn't find the game to live up to them. In my opinion the "artistic" element is not to be found mainly in gameplay changes, but in the crafting of the world itself, graphical assets, the depth of the npcs, the stories created by questers, the lore, etc... we haven't seen much of this, so I am holding judgement on whether Skyrim will be an artistic achievement.
All I'm saying is, you're being pretty damn categorical in your judgement on the artistic qualities of a game you haven't even played yet :shrug: