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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 3:02 pm

And those who complain about other complain, and those locked thread because of that.
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Michelle Chau
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 7:16 pm

You want to look for someone to blame, blame the Console generation who wants everything dumbed down for them... for double the price of course.

im a console player i used to have morrowind on pc. then oblivion and skyrim on xbox, i dont want the game "dumbing down".

Hate pc elitism on here. you think just because we play on consoles were dumb or dont deserve a decent game, just the usual cod [censored]. you sound pretty dumb for thinking this.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:28 am

I enjoy my community and peers. Idk bout anyone else?

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Rhysa Hughes
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:19 am

I've been part of the forums since Morrowind.

I saw pretty much the same stuff for Oblivion in the first few months of it's existence.

This is pretty much what every forum becomes when a new game is launched, really.

I blame the [censored] generation.

Edit: HA! I can't believe they censor that. It's a website. Notable for it's /b/ section and birthplace of a group of moronic e-thugs who call themselves Anonymous.

I agree. It's the "Occupy Bethesda Forums". If they weren't so lazy and full of entitlement, maybe they would actually go to Bethesda Game studios and set up camp in front of their building while squatting and [censored]ting on Todd Howard's car and getting high in their little camp.
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Darian Ennels
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 6:56 pm

Fourms are usually for people to communicate to the devs... Now with lessons...doesn't matter. If there's a forum, people WILL complain. The people having fun play the game...after they are done they usually enjoy their families, or go bowling...or go see a movie...go for a walk whatever. The people who are mad. Well you guessed it. Play the game, OMG glitch; where's the fourms, complain. You can add any opinionated dislike about the game as will be voiced.

This usually gives off the illusion that the game is usual bad or svcks hardcoe. But forums goers are about 1% of the TES population; if that. The rest are playing having fun and when done...probably thinking about skyrim as they spending time with their familes...or bowling...or watching movies...or even going for a walk. They even kill a dog thinking it's a wolf! you never know.
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Katie Samuel
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:04 am

Then theres the one guy named truedarkrei9n who the minute he sees someone say CPU does shadows or anything related to CPU doing shadows in any way shape or form he loses it and puts every iota of willpower into not calling that someone a [censored].
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Lucky Girl
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 6:12 pm

People have different ways of showing their care. Sure some haters went beyond reach, but the forum tend to respond them with hatred too (so basically both are haters).
I prefer the term "critics" rather than "hater".
Sure the infamous term of "dumbing down" is actually still not that bad, but it's a symptom (plus Todd lies more often lately). And I prefer curing a cancer stadium 1 rather than having to wait until stadium 4/5 to actually begin acting.

That's because I care for Bethesda.

Edit: Grammar. Post-grammar Nazi joined.
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Shelby Huffman
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:50 am

Don't feel bad - Bioware's forums went through the same thing when Dragon Age was released. Exact. Same. Thing.

Haters gonna hate, is what I'm trying to say.

Um nooooooooooooo that WAS WAAAAAAAAAAY WORSE. But that's because it was a truly disappointing game compared to Dragon Age: Origions.
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 3:34 pm

Never should have come here.

But seriously , like 60% are complaining and whining , I don't even enter these posts.

Edit: I don't get it why almost all of the people who are complaining can't write properly :facepalm:
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Chloe :)
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 12:14 am

Things get better in about 4-6 months. It goes in cycles that coincide with release dates.
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His Bella
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:48 am

I don't agree, but either way that would not explain the the bile and rancor, the whining and tantrums here when Morrowind was released. The forums when Morrowind was released were, if anything, a more toxic place than they were when Oblivion was released. I had to stop coming to the forums shortly after Morrowind was released, the constant complaints were ruining my love for the game. The Skyrim forums are a haven of maturity next to the Morrowind forums when that game came out.

Then I'm glad I wasn't here to see it.

I've been on this forum for years (yes, I have - back to when FCOM was first released and Dev Akm was hanging around and when Tamriel Rebuilt and Morrowind4Kids were still active projects - if anyone remembers those days). I used the same name, too. I went away to college, then came back this year looking forward to Skyrim's release. By then, the forum had been hacked a few times and my registration was long gone - but my ID and name were available so picked up where I left off.

But I do not understand the need for the "bile and rancor." You don't like the game, fine, make your point and move on. Why stay if svcks so bad? Why attack people who like it? What are you getting out of this that makes you feel special?

And no, I don't think it's generational: sorry! I think you scratch a few of these moaners and you'll find plenty of who can remember when The Who still performed live.

I loved Morrowind and gave three years of my teenage life to that game, without hesitation nor regret. Then Oblivion came along and I loved it, too. Loved it a lot more after OOO came out.

And now I love Skryim, too. Surprise, surprise.
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:33 pm

My place is the mods forum but until the tools come out going there is like a bunch of old guys talking about the good old days and what they would do if they were in charge, lol. There are lots of complaints, but not as bad as pre-release, lol.
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Penny Courture
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:35 am

I don't agree, but either way that would not explain the the bile and rancor, the whining and tantrums here when Morrowind was released. The forums when Morrowind was released were, if anything, a more toxic place than they were when Oblivion was released. I had to stop coming to the forums shortly after Morrowind was released, the constant complaints were ruining my love for the game. The Skyrim forums are a haven of maturity next to the Morrowind forums when that game came out.

Boy do I remember that. Take note: Morrowind back then was nothing but a red headed step child...heck, not even that. When Morrowind was do believe the phrase "dumbed down" was thrown around alot.

In short, Morrowind wasn't very good at all compared to Daggerfall plain and simple. No if's, and's OR but's about it. Now? Everyone likes it.
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Felix Walde
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:22 am

These forums were never fun.

Pretty much this. It gets so bad before/after releases it's almost just not worth coming here.

It'd almost get better if they stickied threads with the same five or six topics that are always crowding the page. "Fast travel kills my immersion even if it's optional", "This game is dumbed down for console gamers", "Magic is underpowered", "What the hell, this game has bugs", "The UI svcks", and "Look at my PC specs - I mean where are the DX11 options?".
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Sabrina garzotto
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 6:09 am

I don't agree, but either way that would not explain the the bile and rancor, the whining and tantrums here when Morrowind was released. The forums when Morrowind was released were, if anything, a more toxic place than they were when Oblivion was released. I had to stop coming to the forums shortly after Morrowind was released, the constant complaints were ruining my love for the game. The Skyrim forums are a haven of maturity next to the Morrowind forums when that game came out.

You make me wanna see how the forums looked like then :D
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 6:08 am

I see this kind of thing on almost every game forum. People are saying Uncharted 3 svcks, Skyward Sword svcks, Arkham City svcks, etc.

To people who say these games svck, you're a complete moron and should just stick with your morobliviarim and continue buying the same game with minor changes every 5 years with $15 DLC that only have 4 quests. oh and horse armor.

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Juan Suarez
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:29 am

Pretty much this. It gets so bad before/after releases it's almost just not worth coming here.

It'd almost get better if they stickied threads with the same five or six topics that are always crowding the page. "Fast travel kills my immersion even if it's optional", "This game is dumbed down for console gamers", "Magic is underpowered", "What the hell, this game has bugs", "The UI svcks", and "Look at my PC specs - I mean where are the DX11 options?".

It's amazing when someone can make a post like this and complain about other people complaining.

It's right down to the basics of how games are made today why something like fast travel does screw up games even if it is optional. Maybe you didn't notice there was no alternatives to getting around beyond walking. It's a known fact games are being dumbed down for consoles, they don't come with several gigs of RAM and KB/M [e]you can't deny they aren't trying to cater to a different audience either[/e]. Magic is underpowered at high level play on harder difficulties if you aren't cheating the system. List based menus and the drastic amount of wasted space for people sitting on their couches with a console in the UI are the PC's worst enemy.

DX11 as you may not be aware, performs far better than DX9c. If it's not in at release it's never going to be, you can't take parts of 11 and mash it into 9. It's not much to ask for that a game that will probably not get a new addition for another 5-6 years actually has recent features for performance. This is even more important knowing that they are going to leave it to the modders to keep it going in the future all over again. Face it, Oblivion still runs like crap on recent hardware.

Some of you should use that thing you have in your skulls if you moan about anything. The only bad thing going on is the distinct lack of the ability to recognize that criticism isn't trolling because it doesn't line up with your own personal opinions.
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Kortniie Dumont
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 6:27 am

Never should have come here.

But seriously , like 60% are complaining and whining , I don't even enter these posts.

Edit: I don't get it why almost all of the people who are complaining can't write properly :facepalm:

Perhaps because not everybody has English as primary language.
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Marion Geneste
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 6:35 am

Some of you should use that thing you have in your skulls if you moan about anything. The only bad thing going on is the distinct lack of the ability to recognize that criticism isn't trolling because it doesn't line up with your own personal opinions.

I think if you can dish out criticism you should be able to take. I think most people who say oblivion"runs like crap" is trolling based on my experience with the game. I think people who think Skyrim is underwhelming from an entertainment perspective have all the right in the world to [censored] an moan. I think people who [censored] and moan about glitches, poor performance, bugs, balancing, immersion, style, etc, etc are doing it for no other reason to troll as it's quite evident based on history the game can be further developed into just about any way possible and this is not even a consideration to them when they make these post (PC gamer that is and if you bought it on console, its you own damn fault). Anyone expecting a developer to create a game specifically to the taste of you or I is rather naive. Further, anyone [censored]ing performance being dumbed down do not understand the business side of things. Most people do not have the knowledge or finances to buy a machine with the above average gaming hardware for PC to exploit a game such as Elder Scrolls. Its called catering to the largest audience, with out doing this, its a sure fire way to limit your viability in the market place, thereby limiting the quality and resources you can commit to he next game. So yeah, have gamesas make a critically great game that sells less than 100,000 copies because no one has the hardware to play it, then see how long gamesas stays in business. Ignorance and naivety or both are sure fire signs of a troll. We will not discuss the DRM issues facing PC games today that further erode into the profit margins for the platform.

It seems people who want a ES game that optimizes the latest PC hardware do understand how limited that market is.
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roxxii lenaghan
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 12:02 am

That happens to pretty much every forum after a game is released.
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:22 pm

It's amazing when someone can make a post like this and complain about other people complaining.

It's right down to the basics of how games are made today why something like fast travel does screw up games even if it is optional. Maybe you didn't notice there was no alternatives to getting around beyond walking.

It probably needs to be streamlined for you so you are able to find it easier-but you can use the carriage system instead of walking.

I like hearing peoples thoughts on how to make a system better. However imo, non-founded complaints are neither helpful nor thought provoking.

There are people who have legitimate gripes (glitches and such making the game unplayable) and those who believe they have an idea which would make the game more immersible and/or fun to play, which may or may not be agreed upon. But, If you hate everything about it, you probably are not going to give good advice and should probably play a game which is more to your liking. If you are cult like in your dislike or love of the game you are probably not going to be able to be rational enough to give thought provoking ideas to other forum members, much less the game makers.
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Horse gal smithe
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:16 am

Here is my post that I added the other day that I'll renew now =]
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James Smart
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:42 pm

Sadly these forums have become so negative it is no longer fun. There are no discussions on the fun aspects, sharing of adventures, etc. I think I know why- people that are enjoying it are having fun and PLAYING THE GAME.

I usually find forums more "fun" for those sort of threads about 1-2 months after a game's release. :)

But I still come here before that because ... well, sometimes I'm not playing, and I'm bored/can't sleep, so it's fun to drop in and see what's what. Or something. *wink
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Matthew Warren
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:45 am

Sadly these forums have become so negative it is no longer fun. There are no discussions on the fun aspects, sharing of adventures, etc. I think I know why- people that are enjoying it are having fun and PLAYING THE GAME.

The other crowd makes 1000 posts a day about "10 Reasons Oblivion Was Better", "Seriously Bethesda (Rant)", "Alchemy+Enchanting+Smithing makes game too easy", "Dragons are too easy", "This game is too hard", "Worst Game Ever".

I'm going nuts here!

It's not just an issue of people complaining about the game, it's also all the people raving at the people who complain about the game in any way. This whole forum is nothing but bile right now.
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Jarrett Willis
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:23 am

*read through posts* Like I said, hating the haters makes both sides haters.

*sigh* both sides need to grow up. :(
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