I don't agree, but either way that would not explain the the bile and rancor, the whining and tantrums here when Morrowind was released. The forums when Morrowind was released were, if anything, a more toxic place than they were when Oblivion was released. I had to stop coming to the forums shortly after Morrowind was released, the constant complaints were ruining my love for the game. The Skyrim forums are a haven of maturity next to the Morrowind forums when that game came out.
Then I'm glad I wasn't here to see it.
I've been on this forum for years (yes, I have - back to when FCOM was first released and Dev Akm was hanging around and when Tamriel Rebuilt and Morrowind4Kids were still active projects - if anyone remembers those days). I used the same name, too. I went away to college, then came back this year looking forward to Skyrim's release. By then, the forum had been hacked a few times and my registration was long gone - but my ID and name were available so picked up where I left off.
But I do not understand the need for the "bile and rancor." You don't like the game, fine, make your point and move on. Why stay if svcks so bad? Why attack people who like it? What are you getting out of this that makes you feel special?
And no, I don't think it's generational: sorry! I think you scratch a few of these moaners and you'll find plenty of who can remember when The Who still performed live.
I loved Morrowind and gave three years of my teenage life to that game, without hesitation nor regret. Then Oblivion came along and I loved it, too. Loved it a lot more after OOO came out.
And now I love Skryim, too. Surprise, surprise.