It seems people who want a ES game that optimizes the latest PC hardware do understand how limited that market is.
Walking into someones thread and posting "TROLL" and "NO" isn't criticism which is what I was referring to. If someone wants to critique someone elses opinion, go ahead. Don't bash them for it and start calling them a troll because you don't agree. I don't think anyone has been realistically asking for the game to be catered to themselves. I personally have problems when mechanics are thrown in with the sole purpose to override others. Believe it or not, balance matters in an SP game as much as MP games. There's no sense of accomplishment if it wasn't challenging enough, it's also no fun if it's too hard because an entire section of combat is undertuned and doesn't scale like the rest.
PC hardware has only been getting cheaper and faster, less than $1000 USD will get you a system that will run anything. The market isn't limited enough if other developers smaller than BGS is throwing in DX11 and then some. They don't even need to limit the amount of the fan base that can play to do it either, it's all about having that option when you have the hardware that can support it.
I can also tell you right now that most people on here would dismiss your post over the lack of paragraphs. Yeah, very friendly.
I like hearing peoples thoughts on how to make a system better. However imo, non-founded complaints are neither helpful nor thought provoking.
There are people who have legitimate gripes (glitches and such making the game unplayable) and those who believe they have an idea which would make the game more immersible and/or fun to play, which may or may not be agreed upon. But, If you hate everything about it, you probably are not going to give good advice and should probably play a game which is more to your liking. If you are cult like in your dislike or love of the game you are probably not going to be able to be rational enough to give thought provoking ideas to other forum members, much less the game makers.
Oblivion is what I was referring to. Skyrim is an improvement and still extremely limited if it's supposed to be a functional alternative. Especially seeing how horses were turned into stamina-less running.
I would love to write up what I have in mind to improve systems but I know they are going to fall on deaf ears, the bigger a company gets the less it listens to its fan base. I've been working around big companies as a modder for upwards of 12 years. That's even with contact to the devs. It's far more worth my time to just make my own mods to do it. See it in action rather than on paper.