I'm quite confused on which faction to join on my first play through, I'm teetering between the Institute and the Brotherhood of Steel
I'm quite confused on which faction to join on my first play through, I'm teetering between the Institute and the Brotherhood of Steel
You don't have to pick one early in the game. You can do all the questlines and then there is a point later, which the game is very obvious about telling you, where you have to choose. So I didn't vote in the poll because it don't mattah none, son!
I'm pro-Institute anti-Brotherhood, and the Minutemen need to die! Wish I could do all that and keep the Railroad though
The Minutemen are just SO boring to me, like a bunch of circle jerking leftists.
Taking credit for all my hard work Ordering me around like a fresh recruit
Totally agree with this. One thing I find kind of annoying is that you cant just flat out kill specific people. If I side with Faction A and they are at odds with Faction B, I should be able to permanately kill all of faction B, even if they are considered key people.
Don't forget how their entire questline screams failsafe option. Seriously, Preston has the personality of a graham cracker and the questline is so damn boring and with literally nothing interesting happening.
The fact that they have nothing else other than being generic good guy faction doesn't really make me want to support them.
I'd murder them all if a ZAX computer in the basemant and some demon headed power armor dudes told me to.
As for the settlements, they better start recognising me as their Supreme Overlord, or I'm taking the nuclear option directly to each of them.
They have the memory of a goldfish.
I kinda see the Minuteman as those little guys you just can't help not feeling sorry for them.
So when I single handedly took back their ****hole fortress, I had enough of the violins...the kidnappings...the useless **** before I claimed the land and the army for the brotherhood.
If and when there is an Enclave mod for the PC, they'll take the black.
Oh christ, that reminds me.
I deck out my artillery guys with combat armor to tell them apart...thinking..."hey they'll get the message"
Nope, they abandon their posts to go pick some crops.
WTF people!
Incomplete poll, but I will answer the one question I can because the others rely too much on subjectivity.
Best resources...
Institute = Synth Armor, which has best overall DR/ER of all combat armor plates, and the Synth Relay Grenade (seriously underrated weapon) which offers instantaneous "back up" and offers diversionary tactics when dealing with groups of enemies.
Railroad = Ballistic weave.
Brotherhood = Vertibird chariot with minigun, though no option to control actual flight to destination svcks.
Minutemen = Lame auto musket. Flares. Slow artillery cannons that must be manned to operate.
Institute wins.
Ya know, if given the option I would love to walk around the Commonwealth proselytizing with my finger on the trigger of a gamma pistol.
Yes, but weird is good. I love all that cloak and dagger, code names, pass phrases, and puzzles. Just svcks their politics is a bit askew. All the other factions are boring.
u make it hard for some of those options =P.
for most evil Instituted and BoS are close there for me.
I know ppl hate we dont have as much freedom as previews games but man i love how the Factions are define are are gray most of the time.
I think this poll needs to define the word "best"
Are you talking best as in good for the commonwealth short term or long term, good as in not evil or good as in powerful allies and difficult enemies or good as in better story and endings?
Same goes for worst.
I am kind of hard wired to hate the brotherhood at this point so I could never side with them, I'm still making my mind up about who to support. I'm probably gonna stick by my son ultimately but I think the minutemen are the most genuinely for the smallfolk so I'd quite like to support them too.
Oh, really? They're secretive isolationist group that has tiny bases scattered around in a discreet manner? A group that's generally staying out of business of general population?