yo i use the original 30 LBS tower PS3 to play anf for most of the game i only got some minor tearing running across the Mojave (after about 10+ hours of play, which is great since it happens to most people around 5+ hours) but after a while i reached new vegas
and when i reached the entrance the the strip which the securitrons that ask for your passport/proof of wealth i started hearing a sound so i looked around for a second and didnt see anything but the sound kept getting louder and closer before i knew it i was frantically reaching for my TV remote because it sounded like a Sherman Tank was Rolling through my room deafeningly loud andi couldnt find anything that would cause that noise
my next problem came about with the legion(THIS IS NOT A BUG JUST AN AMUSING STORY)
so i went to the legion they are like hey go do this task for me (i dont want to add spoilers)
i was like ok so i go into this building which i thought i was clear to put my NCR armor back on when one of the legion decided he wanted to stroll a bit an spotted me
so as the fight is going on the game decided it was a good idea to autosave my game so i died loaded my game to find that the auto save had made a save file with the bullet for the final kill shot 2 inches from my head so if i load i instantly die
ty auto save

my third problem(back to bugs)
i decided to take a detour and goto novac i had 260/260 weight in my inventory and needed to sell alot of stuff
so i fast travel there both traveling merchants are in the town so i talk to the male one he has about 300 caps that i can get from him and nothing of interest in his shop
so i move over to the female traveling merchant she had about 3500 caps in stock so i start going through all my stuff millions of cigarettes cartons packs pre war money any heavy/ energy weapons i found (my first character is a light guns specialist, hand gun/ rifles) so after going through my inventory i sell her 2500 caps worth of items and bought a few dozen Cards (she had so many i was like YES I CAN FINALLY PLAY THIS CARD GAME) so the second i press square money is transferred and i am frozen just stuck sitting there looking at my stash of 120000 caps so i restart my game talk to the merchants again this time the female doesnt have any cards blah blah freezes again at the same time so now im stuck with this chick is the only merchant who has any caps and i have way to much stuff