» Fri May 04, 2012 1:24 pm
(Zelamir, what are you planning with Danus's ship? if you are planning to attack them, please realise that you will be doing so in public in front of the guards and will msot likely be caught. Thats pratically suicide for your character, as I doubt the protektor is going to be lenient to those who attack an Imperial dignitary)
General Plautius, Anvil Nova, Morning
Plautius looked at the small pile of documents that had been given to him this morning. Most of them were minor formalities, such as authorising the sending of supplies to each of the garrison spread across the colony, or reading the reports from his Legates. One, however, was different. The Legate in charge of Camp Wolf, home of the 1st Legion, or 'Kohort Wolf' as it was known, wanted to deploy one of its cohorts against the Nord babarians, who were making raids into villages. It had been named after the personal sigil of Titus Mede I, a black wolf's head, by a cohort of Legion Veterans when they arrived here 200 years ago and although it had become a Legion, it was still called unnofficially a 'Kohort' as all the Legions were. It was the oldest unit in the Colonial Army, and to be part of it was considered a great offer. Plautius had been Legate of it 10 years ago, though he imagined that his father had helped him earned that, just like everything else. Normally he would authorise this and the babarians would be pushed back, but lately there were rumours of the tribes uniting, which could pose a serious threat to the Colony. The line of camps were the only thing keep the Nords and Orcs from breaking through. Despite being called stupid barbarians, the chieftans of the Nordic Tribes realised that to do any real damage to the Colony they would have to take the towns and the forts if they wanted to kick the colonists out of the Frontier. They weren't equipped to besiege cities, but neither were the Army equipped to make an offensive against them. The Army didn't have enough men for that, barely having 20,000, and a good number would have to stay behind to protect the colony. Plautius knew that to risk an entire cohort, one of the Kohort Wolf, was to invite shame. He couldn't let the Nords gain too much strength, but maybe these raids were to lure the cohort out. After thinking about it for a while, Plautius decided to send some auxilary cohorts to reinforce the camp and to go with one of the first Legion cohorts . The Nords wouldn't dare attack a small army of 1,500 trained soldiers. He signed the letter and hoped that all went well. He stood up and walked to the door of his office, opening it. He saw a guard and walked up to him. The soldier stood to attention as Plautius approached.
"Soldier, could you get a courier to come take my letters to the all of the camps? They are on the desk in my office."
Just then a young man came running up to him, saying,"Sir, a ship has been sighted, bearing the sigil of the Imperial Dragon. The Protektor wants you to go down to the port and meet them."
Plautius was surprised by this news. The Empire hadn't had much contact with colony. Perhaps finally the Emperor would recognise the colony as an official province. Then the Legion could be sent here, and the babarians could be defeated. Plautius nodded and walked back inside. He put on his armour, a black leather chestpiece, decorated with laurels and an Eagle, which was the symbol of the Colonial Army. He picked up his sword, a dwarven longsword that he had been given as a gift on his 18th birthday by father, and strapped it to his belt. He then walked out of the office and down the corridor, along the way finding 4 soldiers who weren't doing anything important come with him as his honour guard. As he left the palace, he noticed that the ship didn't seem to be moving closer. He wondered what had gone wrong. If the rudder had broken or something, then he could send out a ship with some engineers. But he doubted thatw as the case and guessed they stopped to let the palace see who they were before they approach the port. he carried on down to the city, attracting some view from several people, who had rarely seen the General. They never had Imperial ships come here, so they didn't get a chance. As he and his honour guard arrived at the port, he stood and waited for the ship to arrive.