The future of guilds

Post » Tue May 07, 2013 12:41 am

First I wanna say that the length and awesomeness of the skyrim guild questlines were disappointing. Some cool stuff for sure but it was just lacking to me. Idk.

But what I want to know is where you want the guilds to go as in how they are executed

Assassins guild: needs to be more mysterious and creepy and more cool quests like oblivions Whodunnit? And just darker

Mages guild: I would like jointing the mages guild to give me some exclusive magic that I can't get anywhere else. And I would like to see some like magical things that can't be explained like floating stuff and maybe make it so there are more students there and make the ranking system more significant (same with all others)

Fighters guild: when you think about it the fighters guilds are just like meatheads itching for battle. Which is awesome. But I would like to see like some real epic stuff. Like real battles like maybe defending a city from swarms of enemies. And maybe be able to learn exclusive combat moves and tricks or something

Thieves: what I really liked in oblivion was that Robin Hood type feeling where you never stole from the waterfront so maybe make them a bit more noble? That might be refreshing idk. And also I liked how the guild leader was a freaking legend. The gray fox was the coolest thing ever and I await his return! But idk maybe like plannable heists and just cool big stuff.

This list may sound childish I know but I'm actually more eager to hear from everyone else than to get feedback so lets hear it!
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 3:39 pm

I don't want the Dark Brotherhood to change, not one bit. i like them as they are right now.

Thieves Guild well, they are different in each province. but i liked them more in skyrim than i did in oblivion. the robin hood style doesnt work out for them.

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kirsty joanne hines
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 10:22 pm

Most of the questlines are fine, the only one I had a problem with was the Companions from Skyrim. You should not be forced to become a Werewolf to continue the questline. Other than that I loved all the questlines in general, they just need to be longer and more in-depth. Adding more joinable factions wouldn't hurt either in the next game, like the Bard's college actually have a good questline where you don't just adventure off to find some book. Maybe actually learn how to play a certain instrument? Smaller factions would also be nice as well, like a Hunter's guild, or an Alchemist's guild. Really what I want is the main 4-6 guilds to have longer, more in-depth questlines, with side quests after the main questline is completed instead of raid the bandit fort, or find a book for the librarian. Smaller guilds should also be added, with about the same # of quests the average guild has in Skyrim, and with a special ability that lets you slow time when you use your bow for something like the hunter's guild, and the ability to open a stall and sell goods for the merchant's guild. Guild interaction would be good also. If you join the Thieve's guild, you shouldn't be able to join the Fighters Guild or a town guard, or if you become an assassin, you can join other guilds until you're caught trying to assassinate someone, then you can only join 2-3 other guilds that are friendly towards the assassins.

I know that paragraph was a mess, but if a mechanic similar to Morrowind's were implemented in TES:IV, I'd be really happy.

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