Oh gimme a break. All the options are still there, they just don't give you a little sub-category for everything, and that IS realism.
Really? Last time I checked, I don't have weapon/armour degradation. And consequently, no spells for breaking armour and weapons as well.
I also don't have open lock spells.
Or feather spells.
Or mark/recall spells.
Or levitation or jump spells.
Or walking on water spells.
Where are these options? Are they in the perk trees somewhere?
Oh, and care to explain to me how I can get to level 100 in "one-handed" using only a dagger and sneaking up on people and back stabbing them, and then a second later, I'm a grand-master at using an axe and/or a sword? How does that make sense? They aren't exactly the same type of weapon, unless you consider the fact that they are held in your hand to be "the same". That ISN'T realism.
And before you say "OH BUT YOU CAN CHOOSE WHICH ONE YOU WANT TO SPECIALIZE IN THE PERK TREE!". Give me a break. The specializations are petty.
If they had devoted a separate tree for each type of weapon (think, morrowind complexity of weapons) they could have made the specialization actually worth-while.