We don't need to wait for the future for "amazing graphics." We have them now. Today's graphics will look ugly and dated in 2 years, and those "amazing graphics" will look commonplace after you've played games with them for a few days. Similarly, old technology could handle just about everything; as far as features today go, visually, what's existed for a few years could do ANYTHING that's been thought of. It's just a matter of doing it. A good example would be the PS2's
Shadow of the Colossus, which had amazing visuals and draw distance on such a wimpy system.
And I forsee mods to fix all of these things. Phew! sorry, console players

Actually, much of that can't really be fixed with mods.
ANYONE can approach and play how they want.
No, not ANYONE, just those with severe ADHD and under the age of 18. The flaw is assuming that "dumber = better," and assuming that by moving toward "the middle" that everyone on one's former side will automatically fit in. The end result is eventually you get something like modern
Call of Duty.
It's the prevalent idea in game development today... Eventually it'll fall out of favor for more sane ideas, (and the developers that fail to adapt quickly enough will die off) but for now, we must suffer it.
Mabye RPG's are just dead (in the sense of being popular). Or at least the old notion of what an RPG is.
Rather, it's a disease to gaming as a whole: the artistic visionaries are being pushed out, and direction is being given by guys in suits.
Yeah, that's, almost, like, what companies tend to do!
No, only those that somehow thing that maximizing volume is the best. It's also what the people in suits and slicked hair like, but makes life utter hell for the developers. Case-in-point:
Madden NFL and
Call of Duty. A re-hashed release every year, to milk the most sales every time.
A land full of thieving, disgusting, skooma-addicted furries? OH GOD NO. I had enough trouble holocausting the few that had made the mistake of wandering into Skyrim.
Then you obviously need to get to work practicing. You're not a good TES player until you've managed to eradicate an entire game's NPCs.