I forsee less skills. Soon it will be "melee, blocking, armour, archery, offensive magic, defensive magic, and lockpicking" And yes, those are the names of the individual skills. But don't worry, perks will be making a come-back!
I forsee less spells. Less weapons. More voice acting, but less dialogue options.
I forsee little to no change in the combat AI. Return of the dreaded level scaled loot and enemies. Overall less complexity and realism.
I forsee alchemy ingredients becoming weightless, but there will be prettier alchemy ingredients so hardly anyone will give a damn.
One thing that I'm looking forward to is the graphics improvements. They're doing a good job on that.
I forsee another release date similar to the 11-11-11 marketing gimmick that will only work against the quality of the game.
I forsee less variety of monsters/enemies.
And I forsee mods to fix all of these things. Phew! sorry, console players