I have noticed that the main story and factions seem to go by way to fast, even playing very slowly. It seems to me like "go here" and when you get back "hey, new guild leader, whats up?" And i am just sitting there like "wut." I realize this was probably done to rely on the radiant story, and maybe to fit the content on one disk, but i am still miffed at how i already completed the dark brotherhood and theives guild... in one night of lax gaming. I would rather have seen the same amount of questing, but radiant story at the end to embelish and make it seem like the story kept going, instead of having the radiant story keep going. The radiant story is cool and all, but doesn't satisfy like a set quest list did. Anyone else feeling the same way?
tl;dr factions and guilds are kinda short paced
inb4 i do love this game, and maybe its just cause i have 40 hours in it already.