The game clearly tells you which items are direct upgrades a

Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 11:25 am

not anymore than it is to access the wrong gear in an unsorted list, because you can literally access everything on the list.


OK, my psych class was ages ago...bear with me...

if your going by pure percent chance of landing on an item, then, yes, you're correct?

If you've learned to "trust the marker", it skews that percent, yes?

If the computer doesn't think like I think, then suggests an item based upon faulty criteria, it's the wrong itme?

Combine the last two statements and it supports the "select wrong item faster" line of thought? I am wrong in there somewhere? If yes, I'd like to know, truely. It'd help understand your train of thought better :)
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Post » Fri Aug 26, 2011 7:35 pm

One thing is saying that it's saying that it's a nice feature. Other thing is saying that you "absolutely love it"...

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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 3:26 am

Just be thankful it only tells you that a weapon or armour is better and not actually equip it on you
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Mark Hepworth
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Post » Fri Aug 26, 2011 9:14 pm

Not a useful feature for me, but it wont get in the way as much as things like the compass and quest markers. I don't think I'll have trouble ignoring the best item info.
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Nick Tyler
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 11:11 am

Wait... we need to identify items now?

TES turning into a roguelike/dungeon crawl??!

Erm, PnP AD&D had percent chances of knowing identifying magical items....before Wizardry came out. But it's been ages, could be wrong.

Something more on direct upgrade part....does taht deal with the crafting idea?
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 1:20 am


What I mean is that it's just a veeery tiny feature.
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 1:42 am

I'd hope that you could change the criteria
Get it to show the highest damage weapon or the lowest weight armour etc
Maybe have it only look at axes or heavy armour if thats where I've spent my perks
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Robert Jr
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 9:36 am

Unfortunatly I can't get the article to open, but is that all he says about it? Cause I have watched the quakecon demo a dozen times and haven't seen anything like this feature. Is it possible that all he meant was that the game gives you a damage number for each weapon so that you can compare it yourself just like it always has been? Gotta love the panic post, just like the one about the french article saying the are going back to Oblivion style leveling where Pete finally tweeted that it is going to be like fallout.
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 4:48 am

They've already said that this comparing feature is not in the demo.
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Paul Rice
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 12:11 am


OK, my psych class was ages ago...bear with me...

if your going by pure percent chance of landing on an item, then, yes, you're correct?

If you've learned to "trust the marker", it skews that percent, yes?

If the computer doesn't think like I think, then suggests an item based upon faulty criteria, it's the wrong itme?

Combine the last two statements and it supports the "select wrong item faster" line of thought? I am wrong in there somewhere? If yes, I'd like to know, truely. It'd help understand your train of thought better :)

Well let's pretend a scenario where the better weapon is subjective, like you come upon a gang of skeletons. Clearly in this situation, a mace or blunt damage is advised.

If you know this, than you will open your inventory, specifically looking for a mace weapon. You open the inventory and the game says that a silver sword is the best weapon in your inventory, the silver sword is the the best weapon in general, but this is not a general situation and you therefore do not pick the sword but instead picks the steel mace further down the list. Sorted list or not.


If you don't know this, again than there would be little difference between an unsorted list or a sorted list. You wont pick the mace, because you don't know this is good for you, sorted list, or not. However, if the list is sorted, you'll pick the next best thing, the silver sword, because this is the best weapon you have, and with your limited knowledge of skeleton physique, nothing is saying there is a weapon better suited for the situation in your inventory.

You would probably still have picked the silver sword even with an unsorted list, because you would have eventually worked out that this is the best weapon, in general, on your inventory list, again, because you don't know any different. The sorted list simply makes this process faster.
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Marquis T
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 1:51 am

What if this is just the option to sort by DPS or damage rating?

(sorry if this has been mentioned before... I didn't read all 10 pages I know that's bad!)
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Bereket Fekadu
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 10:10 am

Well let's pretend a scenario where the better weapon is subjective, like you come upon a gang of skeletons. Clearly in this situation, a mace or blunt damage is advised.

If you know this, than you will open your inventory, specifically looking for a mace weapon. You open the inventory and the game says that a silver sword is the best weapon in your inventory, the silver sword is the the best weapon in general, but this is not a general situation and you therefore do not pick the sword but instead picks the steel mace further down the list. Sorted list or not.


If you don't know this, again than there would be little difference between an unsorted list or a sorted list. You wont pick the mace, because you don't know this is good for you, sorted list, or not. However, if the list is sorted, you'll pick the next best thing, the silver sword, because this is the best weapon you have, and with your limited knowledge of skeleton physique, nothing is saying there is a weapon better suited for the situation in your inventory.

You would probably still have picked the silver sword even with an unsorted list, because you would have eventually worked out that this is the best weapon, in general, on your inventory list, again, because you don't know any different. The sorted list simply makes this process faster.

Got it. You're saying that essentially sorted = "tagged as best" ? Thanks

OT: I'd still rather have the sorted list than something flagged. :shrug:
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Hilm Music
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Post » Fri Aug 26, 2011 8:12 pm

Lessening the tedious nature of a game doesn't imply that it's being "stream-lined," but rather that they are trying to get the player to focus on more important features within said game. A lot of players (myself included) have a habit of hording items in their inventory, by having a small icon next to a specific item to indicate that the particular item is the superior item in your inventory, seems like a logic move. However, if you would prefer to scroll through each individual item one by and one reviewing the stats and then going back to compare them with others, by all means...go for it.
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Jinx Sykes
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 2:56 am

Got it. You're saying that essentially sorted = "tagged as best" ? Thanks

OT: I'd still rather have the sorted list than something flagged. :shrug:

Yeah different options off to the side to sort it by value/damage/speed seems like it would please everyone.
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Elizabeth Falvey
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Post » Fri Aug 26, 2011 7:47 pm

It's a garbo thing to waste ANY amount of time on. It isn't hard to figure out what weapon is stronger.

It seems to have been add/implemented so that anyone can find the best item without having to look at any stats or sorting through a filter; it's for idiots or little kids.

Add this to the ongoing "Streamlining / Dumbin' Down" Section.

Next game it'll force equip the best weapons, unless you toggle some option and all races will be the exact same.
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remi lasisi
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 2:07 am

It's a garbo thing to waste ANY amount of time on. It isn't hard to figure out what weapon is stronger.

It seems to have been add/implemented so that anyone can find the best item without having to look at any stats or sorting through a filter; it's for idiots or little kids.

Add this to the ongoing "Streamlining / Dumbin' Down" Section.

Next game it'll force equip the best weapons, unless you toggle some option and all races will be the exact same.

lol people have such a strange point of view on this although it is not really necessary my brain starts melting trying to process how making things a little easier is suddenly for idiots and kids and makes us dumber and is dumbing down the game. Because comparing numbers totally makes you soo smart. :rolleyes:

Anyway I made a mockup of a sorting option just because I'm that bored.. so yeah here it is¤t=Skyrim-inventory.jpg
The menu would open at the categories section and you navigate to the left to get to sorting options. The sorting options would also change depending on category because obviously weapon damage doesn't apply to book or potions etc.
Hopefully they do this so I don't have to live with the knowledge threads like this exist.
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Abel Vazquez
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Post » Fri Aug 26, 2011 7:14 pm

yet again... more hand holding :confused:

christ, you're really gonna whine about its a tiny up arrow on some gear?
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Khamaji Taylor
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Post » Fri Aug 26, 2011 9:26 pm

... so what? It's just less time and guess work running back and forth.

It probably shows it not as an overall thing, but as in, "this sword has better damage but lowered speed". What's wrong with a built-in comparison? You'll STILL have to decide which weapon suits which situations.

I don't think it will be screaming "This frost enchanted sword is much worse than the fire enchanted sword against these Ice Wraiths you're fighting! Press Q to equip the right sword!"

I mean, do people actually LIKE scrolling repeatedly to check stats?
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Harry-James Payne
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 10:18 am

I mean, do people actually LIKE scrolling repeatedly to check stats?

It seems it makes you smarter, for some reason. :confused:
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Paula Ramos
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Post » Fri Aug 26, 2011 9:13 pm

I don't understand how this could annoy you. The way you've described it just makes it seem like there will be an even less cluttered system.
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Phoenix Draven
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 4:41 am

lol people have such a strange point of view on this although it is not really necessary my brain starts melting trying to process how making things a little easier is suddenly for idiots and kids and makes us dumber and is dumbing down the game. Because comparing numbers totally makes you soo smart. :rolleyes:

Anyway I made a mockup of a sorting option just because I'm that bored.. so yeah here it is¤t=Skyrim-inventory.jpg
The menu would open at the categories section and you navigate to the left to get to sorting options. The sorting options would also change depending on category because obviously weapon damage doesn't apply to book or potions etc.
Hopefully they do this so I don't have to live with the knowledge threads like this exist.


Making things easier opens things up to more people. There are hard games out there that can make you use your head, idiots don't play them because they hard and many kids should be considered dumb.

Comparing numbers doesn't make you smart, did I say that? No. Not being able to look at a couple numbers and know which is better makes you dumb. If you can't manage to know rusty iron sword < daedra sword after seeing them once. . . there's something wrong with you, you might be dumb.

Dumbin' Down seems to be a hard concept for a few of you. Does it offend you if it's true, are you just super-fan-boy, or what?

There aren't a bunch of stats on weapons like in MMOs and such, if looking at the Damage # is too much for you then. . .well that's kinda sad.
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Jason Wolf
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 3:54 am

meh I don't care

as long as it looks good then its a good item for me
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 3:13 am

It's a garbo thing to waste ANY amount of time on. It isn't hard to figure out what weapon is stronger.

It seems to have been add/implemented so that anyone can find the best item without having to look at any stats or sorting through a filter; it's for idiots or little kids.

Add this to the ongoing "Streamlining / Dumbin' Down" Section.

Next game it'll force equip the best weapons, unless you toggle some option and all races will be the exact same.

Coding a triangle to appear next to better items must have taken so much dev time and money :thumbsup:
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CArlos BArrera
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Post » Fri Aug 26, 2011 10:20 pm

Making things easier opens things up to more people.

God no! more people buying the game! Appaling :rollseyes:

Comparing numbers doesn't make you smart, did I say that? No.

ok yes you didn't but you say it is for idiots when all it does it make things quicker.

yeah calling me super-[censored] real mature and why is that? because I don't think a feature that is so very miniscule that makes things a little bit easier to do and don't think it dumbs down the game? and I'm super-[censored]?
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Angela Woods
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 9:07 am


Making things easier opens things up to more people. There are hard games out there that can make you use your head, idiots don't play them because they hard and many kids should be considered dumb.

Comparing numbers doesn't make you smart, did I say that? No. Not being able to look at a couple numbers and know which is better makes you dumb. If you can't manage to know rusty iron sword < daedra sword after seeing them once. . . there's something wrong with you, you might be dumb.

Dumbin' Down seems to be a hard concept for a few of you. Does it offend you if it's true, are you just super-fan-boy, or what?

Listen... even the dumbest person of the world can know that 27>22. The new system is as "dumb" as the last one, but quicker.

By the way, you're [censored] arrogant. There is no need no be a genius to play a TES. If you want to think that you are very smart because you can, ok, it's up to you.
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Robert Jackson
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