Who finds this stuff actually difficult to ignore?
Well, that all depends on the implementation.
I was reminded in this thread that in Oblivion one could sort the inventory to display weapons by how powerful they were.
That was an option I found so unintrusive and easy to ignore that I totally forgot it was there even.
The quest compass on the other hand I found impossible to ignore because it was on my screen all the time and because it was a neccesity as quests often gave no directions whatsoever.
If every time I open my inventory it is made abundantly clear I have better weapons in my inventor than I have equiped, (Nightmare scenario would be both a highlight and a change of font, like a big button that says 'push me'.) I would not be too happy about that.
If however it is like Oblivion and its an optional way of organising the inventory, then I have no problems at all.
Or even if its just a subtle little thing like a tiny arrow to the left of the equipment, a slight highlight.
It all really depends on the perceived level of it being 'pushed' on me.