The game clearly tells you which items are direct upgrades a

Post » Fri Aug 26, 2011 11:23 pm

Which in this case "thinking for yourself" is sorting through stat numbers (which if I might add REQUIRES NO THOUGHT AT ALL, seriously its a case of look for the higher number). Again yeah they totally shouldn't remove that "challenge" and make the UI intuitive in any way shape or form.

No-one is saying that though.
But I would not like it to be very intrusive either.
I agree that looking at stats isnt any more challenging.
It is however more a choice, a conscious action, rather than automatic.
As I have said, if it is handled similar to Oblivion then there is no problem at all.
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Marcia Renton
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 3:36 am

In my own vision of a big open world RPG like Skyrim, I would be as minimalistic as possible in giving the player any information of how they're improving. They should feel it and not have any text telling them what's going on behind the scenes. As we are with RPGs currently though, it's needed. People need to know what is better and just making it more convenient is good for those types.
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 7:52 am

I feel that an inventory has to be functional, and offer the information as clearly as possible. Seriously, I don't know what this all about "think by ourselves" is supposed to mean.
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Rusty Billiot
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Post » Fri Aug 26, 2011 9:15 pm

You're missing the point.
The game does the thing for us; we don't need to think at all. We just follow an arrow, marker, icon or a number on the screen, without being given the opportunity to think for ourselves, which some people enjoy. If it was not intrusive and as an option, rather than being "forced" (as in always there, printed on the screen, no matter what), then there's a problem.

Yes, but how is a game going to select the "best" item based on your playstyle. It might just say which item has the highest damage, what if you prefer the fastest, despite a lower damage. That's why I loved Borderlands comparison system: it showed you which stats were higher and which were lower, then it it let look at all the bonuses and you could decide which one suit you best.
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 7:47 am

Good then the people complaining that they can't compare their gear because of the way menus are laid out will have no problem finding the good stuff.

Nah, the problem is finding the RIGHT weapon for the job, the weight combo, etc. That's often not the BEST weapon that will deal the most damage of all your weapons. And I really wouldn't trust what the computer tells me is the best....I have too many variables whereas the computer is hard coded.
Personally the argument that it is too much game because it tells you whats good without looking at stats is ridiculous. Looking at stats is totally not gamey or anything and looking at them doesn't make you clever.
I bet you and I come from two completely different backgrounds to gaming. I came up through PnP and stats driven games. I enjoy the number crunching, the challenge or selecting the right too for the job, etc. That is indeed part of the game for many. For others who came up through video games, I'd wager their perspective is different (not wrong, just different).

I too use the weapons I like though whether powerful or not, I go for looks, and if you do how does this really bother you since the stats don't matter?
No reponse, I don't go for looks as explained above.

On topic, I'm a spreadsheet and stats guy who likes comparing numbers, playing with the item in combat, etc. This appears a to be useless thing (purposeful lack of clairity).
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 3:15 am

No, it wasnt.
But the writer of the article I linked in the original post made a big deal out of it.
Like he thought it was a new feature.
That may indicate a higher level of intrusiveness.

He also said that there are fish jumping upstream. Fish intrusiveness confirmed. Pre-order canceled.
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 7:27 am

You're missing the point.
The game does the thing for us; we don't need to think at all. We just follow an arrow, marker, icon or a number on the screen, without being given the opportunity to think for ourselves, which some people enjoy. If it was not intrusive and as an option, rather than being "forced" (as in always there, printed on the screen, no matter what), then there's no problem.

And you're failing to realize that all games do this in one form or another. how is this any different than having a list of number next to all your gear denoting superiority? so it's now color coded or has a little arrow next to it pointing up or down. so what? this is not a new concept, it's not a rare concept.
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 9:59 am

"The game clearly tells you which items are direct upgrades and even what the best items you are carrying are. "

Im not too happy about this as I feel it puts more 'game' into my 'world' than Id like.
It promotes powergaming and implies people arent clever enough to look at stats.
I never really cared about the 'best' weapon in an Elder Scrolls game as I believe this is the wrong type of game to powergame.
I prefer picking a weapon that fits my character and that I find pleasant to look at.
For instance, in Oblivion I always used a plain silver or daedric longsword and never didnt I give Umbra back to Clavicus.

In my mind this is a bit like the quest compass.
Hand holding and directing the player down a pre-set path when the premise of the game should be discovery, exploration and choice.
Not going for the best damage per second, to me that is wholly immaterial and I wouldnt like being told by the game that my silver dagger isnt good enough.

How do other people feel about this?
I would like to hear opinions.

Meh, no matter how it really works (not so easy to get from the article's description) it still won't change the way that I play. It is inherent (usually) from materials used what quality a weapon will be. For example, iron :tes:
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Post » Fri Aug 26, 2011 7:38 pm

Yes, but how is a game going to select the "best" item based on your playstyle. It might just say which item has the highest damage, what if you prefer the fastest, despite a lower damage. That's why I loved Borderlands comparison system: it showed you which stats were higher and which were lower, then it it let look at all the bonuses and you could decide which one suit you best.

I've never said the game is going to select the item; I've just said it forcingly hand holds us in a way so that we don't need to think anymore.

And you're failing to realize that all games do this in one form or another. how is this any different than having a list of number next to all your gear denoting superiority? so it's now color coded or has a little arrow next to it pointing up or down. so what? this is not a new concept, it's not a rare concept.

You're still missing the point...
It may not be a rare or new concept, but it's a bad concept, if it's not in a subtle, non-intrusive way so that both sides of the coin can enjoy the game in their way.
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Dan Wright
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 11:42 am

I've never said the game is going to select the item; I've just said it forcingly hand holds us in a way so that we don't need to think anymore.

Because, obviously, with Morrowind and Oblivion we had to think a lot. "26 is higher than 22". That's all. And if you didn't want to use the most powerful weapon because you didn't like, you didn't. Nothing has changed. Things are clearier now, that's all.
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Stacey Mason
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 12:33 am

I've never said the game is going to select the item; I've just said it forcingly hand holds us in a way so that we don't need to think anymore.

How is it taking away your ability to think. It makes a suggestion. If you are trying to decide which flavor ice cream to buy and your friend says "The chocolate's good." Will you get all pissed and say that he's taking away your ability to think?
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Connor Wing
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 10:02 am

How is it taking away your ability to think. It makes a suggestion. If you are trying to decide which flavor ice cream to buy and your friend says "The chocolate's good." Will you get all pissed and say that he's taking away your ability to think?

Suggestion? Come on.
Read the very topic of this thread.
"The game clearly tells you which items are direct upgrades and even what the best items you are carrying are."

It's the same thing with the whole magic compass as well; it doesn't allow us to think for ourselves, before we've already been hand held.
That's the whole issue.
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Yvonne Gruening
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 1:47 am

I seem to recall Todd saying in an early interview a while back that they were having issues getting item comparisons to work properly with the new 3D inventory interface. Sorry it was when I first joined so I can't remember the source, it's just a memory in my brain somewhere. My point is maybe this mechanic is what they are using to show you a comparison between the weapon or armour piece you are viewing in your inventory and the one you have equipped. I doubt you will be forced to equip the better weapon or armour pieces. I'm sure most of us will have our own opinions on a better system, but in lieu of the spreadsheet-style lists, this is probably the next best thing tha BGS could come up with to implement. I'm sure they tried various things that didn't work well before they settled on this method. Just my opinion though. I could be wrong. Either way, you're not forced to equip anything you don't want to. It's just a quick way of displaying some equipment info to help those who don't want to spend hours rifling through their inventory to equip themselves faster and get back to adventuring.
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Lauren Dale
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 4:07 am

Or even if its just a subtle little thing like a tiny arrow to the left of the equipment, a slight highlight.
It all really depends on the perceived level of it being 'pushed' on me.

I think this is what it'll be. In pictures that show the inventory there was a little arrow after the item name for some of them.
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Amy Siebenhaar
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 3:34 am

So you don't like more content or something? I am confused. The game is not about the looks of the weapon, is about how fast you will put your enemy down. If I had to use an ugly sword to do it, i'd prefer it.

Wrong in every way. Try reading the OP's post. He's not concerned with being uber powerful.

And yeah I totally agree with you OP.. I was always happiest with the silver shortsword and iron bow in Oblivion simply for how they look and they 'fit' my character.
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Bonnie Clyde
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Post » Fri Aug 26, 2011 7:47 pm

-looks at the 5 damage on my iron sword-

-looks at the 10 damage on my silver sword-

-picks silver sword-

Surprisingly that isn't much harder than looking at a little arrow/mark showing superiority. (seeing that 10 instead of 5 is just as easily seen as the little mark or w/e they have in skyrim)
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Farrah Barry
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 2:00 am

Suggestion? Come on.
Read the very topic of this thread.
"The game clearly tells you which items are direct upgrades and even what the best items you are carrying are."

It's the same thing with whole magic compass as well; it doesn't allow us to think for ourselves, before we've already been hand held.
That's the whole issue.

Or the issue is that there wasn't enough information in the article for anyone to clearly interpret how this new addition really works?

On Topic, I'd like to see what the new UI looks like; not the one they showed before that was stated to be a work in progress. I wonder what the WHOLE package will be, of which this topic is a part.
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Elea Rossi
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Post » Fri Aug 26, 2011 8:23 pm

I've never said the game is going to select the item; I've just said it forcingly hand holds us in a way so that we don't need to think anymore.

You're still missing the point...
It may not be a rare or new concept, but it's a bad concept, if it's not in a subtle, non-intrusive way so that both sides of the coin can enjoy the game in their way.

But it's not forcing you to do anything. if you like that crappy iron dagger better, use it! if anything it helps more with the thinking process because now you have to decide "hmmm, the game seems to really think this elven dagger is superior, but I really like my trusty rusty iron dagger"

The game's not going to take your stupid iron dagger away because you for something better, hence, it's not forcing anything on you, just letting you know that there are better daggers.
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Albert Wesker
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 10:39 am

I seem to recall Todd saying in an early interview a while back that they were having issues getting item comparisons to work properly with the new 3D inventory interface. Sorry it was when I first joined so I can't remember the source, it's just a memory in my brain somewhere. My point is maybe this mechanic is what they are using to show you a comparison between the weapon or armour piece you are viewing in your inventory and the one you have equipped. I doubt you will be forced to equip the better weapon or armour pieces. I'm sure most of us will have our own opinions on a better system, but in lieu of the spreadsheet-style lists, this is probably the next best thing tha BGS could come up with to implement. I'm sure they tried various things that didn't work well before they settled on this method. Just my opinion though. I could be wrong. Either way, you're not forced to equip anything you don't want to. It's just a quick way of displaying some equipment info to help those who don't want to spend hours rifling through their inventory to equip themselves faster and get back to adventuring.

EDIT: Crap, sorry for the double post! Damn this iPad!
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Spooky Angel
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 2:08 am

Personally I feel that if the game is able to tell me what the best gear is that I have, then their is not enough choice...

There should be enough complexity with item attributes, skill levels and perks that the game cant tell what the best item I have is because i have 5 different weapons that all have pro's and con's depending on the situation and how I want to play MY game.

The idea that I just open my inventory and it says "equip this" makes it feel like the choice in how to play the game has been removed, that, or the game is so simple, I might as well be playing wack'a'mole.
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Post » Fri Aug 26, 2011 11:38 pm

Suggestion? Come on.
Read the very topic of this thread.
"The game clearly tells you which items are direct upgrades and even what the best items you are carrying are."

It's the same thing with the whole magic compass as well; it doesn't allow us to think for ourselves, before we've already been hand held.
That's the whole issue.

But how can a game tell you what's best for you? It picks a item that the games system thinks is best. Now this item can be in a completly different category then what you use. Like it can suggest heavy armor to someone who uses light, or a warhammer to a long swordsman, or a staff to an archer, or an axe to a mage. It does not decide what's best for you, it decides whats best for the system.
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Post » Fri Aug 26, 2011 9:32 pm

I seem to recall Todd saying in an early interview a while back that they were having issues getting item comparisons to work properly with the new 3D inventory interface. Sorry it was when I first joined so I can't remember the source, it's just a memory in my brain somewhere. My point is maybe this mechanic is what they are using to show you a comparison between the weapon or armour piece you are viewing in your inventory and the one you have equipped. I doubt you will be forced to equip the better weapon or armour pieces. I'm sure most of us will have our own opinions on a better system, but in lieu of the spreadsheet-style lists, this is probably the next best thing tha BGS could come up with to implement. I'm sure they tried various things that didn't work well before they settled on this method. Just my opinion though. I could be wrong. Either way, you're not forced to equip anything you don't want to. It's just a quick way of displaying some equipment info to help those who don't want to spend hours rifling through their inventory to equip themselves faster and get back to adventuring.

Yes, I remember reading something along those lines as well.
It is quite possible that what you say is correct.

I agree, we will never be forced to equip the 'best' item over the 'favorite' item.
I just hope it will be unintrusive enough to easily ignore or disregard.
In an open world, sandbox RPG where I like to roleplay a character I would like as few things as possible that the
'game overlays unto the world'. If that makes sense.
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Petr Jordy Zugar
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Post » Fri Aug 26, 2011 8:47 pm

Well perhaps thats mean Skyrim will have large amounts of equipment modifications where many items have additional properties while still have same base?
This marking of best items also comes in pair with changed Inventory UI which based on list while in Morrowind (and Oblivion with wz_inventory) it was more like cell based, so long list of items is hard to browse on consoles, so such additional filtering was done?
Interesting how artifacts and rare magic items work with such system now.
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anna ley
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 5:14 am

Amen OP.

It's a useless addition and only serves powergamers. I play the same way you do, and will promptly be ignoring the game's recommendation on gear selection :shrug:
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 3:41 am

I deleted some posts that were off topic. Agree or disagree with the OP but keep on topic and cut out the bickering.

Thanks guys.
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