» Sun Dec 04, 2011 8:06 pm
While Might and Magic 6 is one of my favorite games of all time and, no matter how many times I do playthroughs of it (I still play it almost weekly), it has a very different feel that Skyrim does.
Part of that epic feel comes from walking through the open spaces and admiring the detail in the foliage, roadways, weather, insects, and all minor animations and things of that nature. The realism really sets it apart. I don't think I'd feel right walking through Skyrim only to end up in a place that looks like that New Sorpigal goblin camp; 30-40 goblins standing in neat clusters of five that stand completely still and stare at you until you get close. Then they zig zag to your location. Not to mention, I wouldn't want every stretch of land to have multitudes of beasts and monsters a stone's throw off the roadways.
There are a lot of monsters and beasts in Skyrim. I counted 20 different "types" of monsters or creatures listed in the guide book. This does not include animals, humans, or any playable "magic" or "beast" races (Orcs, Argonians, Khajiit, or elves, for example). And, they are only "types," such as Daedra. Under Daedra, for example, there are 5 types of Daedric creatures you can face and under Dremora are 6 different class archetypes you could face just under them. MM6 has about 8-10 more "types" of monsters not including humans, but it does not have as many different creatures really. 11 different sub-types of Daedra compared to most of those monsters there only have 3 different sub-types, and we can see who wins that battle. When you add humans into that mix Skyrim comes out on top again. Not to mention, each and every fight in Skyrim is different and every enemy has or will do something different. All the enemies look relatively different as well. It's not you fight a Green Goblin, a slightly stronger Blue Goblin, or the strongest of the types Red Goblin. It's more like Goblins all look slightly different and don different armor, weapons, tattoos, or paint to reveal their status within their own little society.
There are plenty of monsters in Skyrim, they're just implemented in a slightly more "realistic" manner I would say. You might remark, "lol realistic? trolls, dragons, zombies super real bruh" but the realistic feel is what adds that nuance. The developers probably had in mind that, if Skyrim were a real place, mystical creatures such as goblins, trolls, skeletons, or Draugr would not just be standing around in clusters out in the open. Goblins and Trolls exist in their caves and away from the light. Skeletons and Draugr are reanimated dead, so naturally they are found in tombs.
I love Might and Magic 6. It is a Classic. But that's exactly what it is, a CLASSIC and we will always love the classics and wish we could recapture those feelings with other games. However, trying to take brand new games 13 years backwards isn't really the way to go... Perhaps, in 13 years, you will be playing a new game and think back fondly on Skyrim wondering why those new games can't be as epic as Skyrim was.