Just wanted to create a happy thread where I'm naming some of the good aspects of the game, so as not to leave an impression that I'm only pointing out the bad ones.
What I like the most is that there is A LOT of things to do in the game and you don't have to play it in a linear fashion if you don't want to.
I also like that some quests give you a choice, for instance the one where you get to choose to help either the redguard woman or her adversaries. I haven't joined either the imperial legion or the stormcloak rebellion yet, but I'm thinking of joining the latter just because I'm playing an imperial character and I want to see what happens. So yes, having options is a good thing and other games should learn from this.
I enjoy the sound effects, voice acting and music. They're really well done and deserve a lot of credit.
And of course perhaps the most important thing I like is the fast travel teleportation feature, which I use almost always because I don't have a lot of patience. It's nice to teleport from Riften to Solitude in a matter of seconds and not have to walk/ride all the way over there. Kudos for that.