I had one more experiment you might try ... Albiet its a workaround.
Useing the console comand accessable through the "~" key , here are the comands
Game- save save name - save current game with description
- save save name 1 - save current game with description and output a .txt file with game information.
- load save name - load a game from a previous named save
- exit - exits the current game, displays some credits, then goes to the starting menu.
- quitgame or qqq - exits Fallout 3 without going through any menus.
- saq - END GAME
Here's the link to all the comands if you want >>> http://misc.thefullwiki.org/Fallout_3_console_commands#Game
But also if your haveing problems with GFWL you might need to update it. And Ill see if I can find where I saw how to do that. Since Im running into the same problem with my GFWL. Wont sign in and never remembers user names
lol sorry the console comands didnt copy past properly ... but youll find em in that link under Game from the index short cut.
Add edit: I couldnt figure out GFWL issue ... downloading the lastest app for it didnt work ... infact it made things worse for me. Im running XP sp3 . So I unistalled that craptacular peice of software. Then it made me reinstall Fallout 3 though to get the original GFWL that came with the disk install. That never works.
I hope the console comand save and Load works for ya. Albiet its sort of a pain work around