1. USE STEALTH FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. Armor mode is the way of the dodo. when your moving around you should always be in stealth, for those who think thats cheap, tell that to the top players on the leaderboards.
2. Pay attention to your KDR. If your deaths are more than your kill meaning your negitive in a game of TIA. garantee your teammates are cursing your name. Its just good practice to keep track of your deaths in a game, in turn i promise it will make you a better player and your teammates will hate you less.
3. Radar. Radar. Radar. Use it and use it wisely and pay attention to your HUD. Enemy fire not using silencers show up on map so therefore go there. be careful though some people dont use silencer to bait you to their location and cap you with the quickness. lets say your teammate throws up max radar and you get a max radar too. just wait till his or hers is over and then put yours on. it maximises your chances of winning. also when you get a radar jammer dont just use it soon as you get it. Wait till you here enemy throws up a max radar then jam it. its clutch.
4. BEAT DOWNS ARE KING!!!!! So your two feet from your opponent and you got an itchy trigger finger. stay your hand go for beat down instead. one you conserve ammo, two you dont show up on radar, three its easy. you can win a game just beating people down, i promise. im telling you, beat downs are broken in this game. so use them while you can.
5. Team up. it doesnt hurt to play with friends especially good ones. you start playing with people and you naturally start working togeather and a added bonus learn what the good ones do during game, plus its fun. As it stands right now it is a little frustrating with parties cause you do get split up alot. so i understand some solo action.
6. Last but not least keep moving. campers will get put down accordingly. I PROMISE!!!
Okay hope this helps alot of you new guys and gals. some of you already know, and the rest probably think i just wasted your time. either way its out there. just hope the gap shrinks and we get some more competition. and mabey people wont be intimadated by those party of fifties and rage quit. good luck.