Hi. I've recently started playing Skyrim on PC, and have the complete edition with all the DLCs etc.
I'm currently having a bad time on the quest 'The Gardener of Men', which I believe is part of the Dragonborn DLC.
Basically, I've got to the stage where I read the Black Book in Hermaeus Mora's realm. There's some dialogue, in which he gives me the second word of a word of power, and then tells me I need to get some knowledge from The Skall. Hemaeus Mora then disappears, leaving me alone in his realm with an updated quest.
Unfortunately, I have absolutely no idea what to do beyond that point. There is an arrow hovering over the Black Book, but there seems to be absolutely no method of interacting with it, and I cannot leave the realm and return to Neloth. Clicking on the book does nothing.
Either I'm overlooking something really, really obvious here, or there may be some kind of glitch of bug. I don't usually use cheats of any kind while playing games, but I admit that I took a look at the Skkyrim wiki for help. It tells me that I am supposed to see three 'glowing orbs' which give me the option to choose a new shout.. however no orbs appear of any kind.
I have treid reloading from various earlier save points, but with the same result.
I'd be grateful for any assistance.
Thank you.