» Tue Oct 12, 2010 9:45 pm
Come one, come all to the Bethesda forums, where we no longer know the meaning of staying on topic! :spotted owl:
Heh, I actually had some time to spare and decided to make this chart http://i53.tinypic.com/dlgl69.jpg showing how many posts in a given group of posts are actually on-topic. And by on-topic, I mean posts that actually relate to the poster's outlook on life in terms of the cup expression, not something along the lines of "It's empty cuz I dun drank all da beer in it YEAH BOY!" According to that chart, this is, like, the most on-topic thread ever.
Cue a bunch of posts debating why I deemed a post not on topic, whether the topic was even interesting to begin with, whether or not on-topicness even exists, or if reality exists, or is this is even real life or does anything even matter or oh my god oh my god could this all be a dream and then who's dreaming ah ah but what if aaaah *head explodes*
(As for my on-topic post, I'm generally an optimist/glass if half full type of person, but I'm still pessimistic a lot, just not as much)