Morrowind had an (admittedly absurd) amount of "lighting" objects: candles, lanterns, paper lanterns, bug lanterns, the omnipresent torch, etc. It may not sound like much of a big deal to the average person, but to me, when I first realized that I could carry around candles in my hand in Morrowind and even leave them around wherever I pleased, it was really impressive at the time. A shame that this colorful and exotic assortment of light sources in Oblivion was reduced to the lowly torch, which can only be dropped unlit anyway. Lanterns were a very nice addition in Morrowind for giving your house just the right touch of cozy lighting, or even for illuminating an entire dungeon if you were so inclined.
Why lanterns?
Honestly, if I wanted to name a single thing I missed most in Oblivion, it would have to be all of the little trinkets and details that Morrowind had. You tend to overlook things like lanterns when weighing the content of a game, but they also certainly contributed heavily to the customization and atmosphere of the game. Perhaps to further increase their value in Skyrim, they could even be made waterproof (if only for a short time), making underwater exploration less frustrating for characters who don't wish to rely on magic.
NPCs had their use for lanterns, as well. Guards could patrol the streets with impunity during the rainy weather - something torches cannot do. Instead of running around the city streets during a thunderstorm in total darkness like a moron, they could simply use a lantern! It looks far more respectable, anyway. Why carry around that dangerous oil-soaked rag with you when making the rounds in the castle's halls of rich mahogany? Just use a lantern!
Why NOT lanterns?
The developers presumably removed them after Morrowind assuming that nobody cared about them. And with the first screenshots of Skyrim, things seemed dim (pun not intended). Candles and boar-tusk-chandeliers seemed to be the main sources of illumination in this low-tech fantasy world.
But wait! There was hope when the very first surfaced with this past week's assortment of Skyrim previews. Lanterns and candlesticks galore! And these were not your average homely candlesticks - nay, never before have I seen candlesticks with such beautiful, long, shapely contours - the perfect fit to be gripped within my character's manly hands! Not for a life of solitude bolted on a table for all of eternity. :toughninja:
I for one would be truly appreciative if Bethesda brought back more portable light sources beyond the lowly torch. What do you think? As Outlander once said: