I'm at the decision point of the MQ and I've been there for about two weeks now. I would have progressed beyond this point, but all the options on the table are so universally awful, I don't have the will to go through with any one of them.
I'd like to congratulate Bethesda. You guys sure know how to create one hell of an amazing game world, and then ruin the main quest experience by railroading me into making some truly awful "choices." Never mind the fact that neither I nor my character would ever morally, realistically go through with any of these. In almost every quest, in almost every conversation, I'm digging my fingernails into the palms of my hands, clenching my fists so freaking hard, wanting to yell and curse at the game for not giving me the logical fifth dialogue option that's never there.
"War never changes." War is horrible, gruesome, bloody, unfulfilling, and it never changes. And I'm guessing, when the writers sat down to craft the story of this game, they began with that slogan, and that premise -- "Let's make a main quest storyline that's horrible, gruesome, bloody, and unfulfilling, just to show how awful war is."
Well, maybe war SHOULD HAVE changed in this game. It svcks having to go through with horrible things, when all the while, there's that niggling voice in the back of your head wondering, "Why isn't THIS choice in the game?" Or, "The whole situation could easily be diffused if only I had THIS dialogue option!" Why why why why why why WHY?!
Next time, try taking a page from Undertale, not Mass Effect 3. And maybe give your players an option that DOESN'T force them to compromise on their convictions, their allegiances, and half the friendships they've made along the way. I don't know if I'll ever finish the Fallout 4 main quest. If that was your goal, to make a main quest your players wouldn't want to finish -- then good job.