If the goal was to make a MQ I never want to finish,good job

Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 11:38 pm

I'm at the decision point of the MQ and I've been there for about two weeks now. I would have progressed beyond this point, but all the options on the table are so universally awful, I don't have the will to go through with any one of them.

I'd like to congratulate Bethesda. You guys sure know how to create one hell of an amazing game world, and then ruin the main quest experience by railroading me into making some truly awful "choices." Never mind the fact that neither I nor my character would ever morally, realistically go through with any of these. In almost every quest, in almost every conversation, I'm digging my fingernails into the palms of my hands, clenching my fists so freaking hard, wanting to yell and curse at the game for not giving me the logical fifth dialogue option that's never there.

"War never changes." War is horrible, gruesome, bloody, unfulfilling, and it never changes. And I'm guessing, when the writers sat down to craft the story of this game, they began with that slogan, and that premise -- "Let's make a main quest storyline that's horrible, gruesome, bloody, and unfulfilling, just to show how awful war is."

Well, maybe war SHOULD HAVE changed in this game. It svcks having to go through with horrible things, when all the while, there's that niggling voice in the back of your head wondering, "Why isn't THIS choice in the game?" Or, "The whole situation could easily be diffused if only I had THIS dialogue option!" Why why why why why why WHY?!

Next time, try taking a page from Undertale, not Mass Effect 3. And maybe give your players an option that DOESN'T force them to compromise on their convictions, their allegiances, and half the friendships they've made along the way. I don't know if I'll ever finish the Fallout 4 main quest. If that was your goal, to make a main quest your players wouldn't want to finish -- then good job.

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 9:22 pm

That was deep...I didn't think a games decision could affect someone like that....well finish it or not, you bought the game, Bethesda got what they wanted from you..
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Anna Kyselova
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 5:46 pm

I totally get what you're saying and strongly disagree. I'm a big fan of moral ambiguity in games and approve of the fact there's no good ending here. There's no way to be the Big HeroTM and that fits the Sole Survivor's tale. I don't need it to happen for the NEXT hero but I think it fits the SS.

Then again, I think the SS is better detailed than most protagonists in the franchise and can understand why people are upset.

Albeit, I would have appreciated more options to TRY to do the right thing. Even if it's impossible.

May I ask which choices bothered you?

I'd like to know what was your issue in particular.

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 10:36 am

Unnecessary complaining, no offense.

It makes sense this way. You really simply can't side with everyone in real life. Certain ideals and beliefs will conflict with one another. This is why there will always be some sort of war and has always been some sort of war going on. Every single different person can't stand living in the same world with another person who's beliefs, or ideals, conflict them... And vice versa. No matter what, you have to make a choice between two factions. The Minuteman is the only faction that's open to the other three is it's them and one of the other three. No matter what though, the other three HATE one another and will attempt to kill each other no matter. A simple discussion, or meeting, won't get you anywhere. At most, you might stop a fight temporally but these factions, in their hearts, truly don't like one another and there's really nothing you can do about it...

That's just life and it svcks. This is the whole point of Fallout. To express and explain the idealogic of war so deeply like this and put you in a situation like this, especially for someone who just wants peace or family (which really embraces Fallout 4's story the most and made this much more enjoyable).


For example, I consider myself to be truly good. My ideals and beliefs are surrounded on accepting people and making others feel better, happy, etc... But my ideals/beliefs still conflict with people who wants nothing more than to torment others for their own personal needs/wants. Those type of people sickens me and I know we will never be able to do anything except fight one another...

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Post » Tue Dec 08, 2015 1:09 am

Maybe that's the point. No matter what side you choose there's always going to be bloodshed and consequences, it is a wasteland after all. I felt the same way about all of New Vegas's endings, I just had to go with the lesser of 4 evils. If it really impacts you that much that you don't want to finish the game, I'm sorry
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:33 pm

Sorry double post
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 3:27 pm

Think of it like this, the MQ is to find out what happened to your family.

Once you reach the institute, and find Shaun.

In my book, that's it. Quest done. You have the answer. To use that as a "stopping" point seems like it would be the logical place to do so.

The quests that happen after are a "what happens now" scenario.

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 10:31 pm

All of the reasons you dislike it are all of the reasons i like it, most importantly;

'give your players an option that DOESN'T force them to compromise on their convictions, their allegiances, and half the friendships they've made along the way.'

Those things in my eyes are what defines powerful narrative.

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Russell Davies
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Post » Tue Dec 08, 2015 12:43 am

Why is there never an option for peace in a Fallout game? Instead of crafting four horrible, depressing endings to drive home the point, "War never changes, it's horrible and bleak in any era," why can't there be and ending that shows hey, you know what, maybe war never changes, but we can change. We can work through diplomacy. We can settle things in ways that aren't completely stupid.

Instead, the game goes straight for the nuclear option, when it doesn't even make sense! The game's plot doesn't make sense! That's really the problem here -- if it were really so obvious that the nuclear option were necessary, it would be one thing, but it doesn't make sense why the game's factions would railroad you like this! It doesn't!

And so, we're expected to go through with a main quest that, of necessity, requires the player to engage in the needless, genocidal, wholesale slaughter of:

- former friends

- innocent bystanders

- children

- kitty cats

Like, really? Really? This is supposed to be a satisfying experience?

"Oh, you don't get it. It's like real life. In real life, people don't always get along. You have to make choices."

No, it's NOT like real life, because in real life, I have a modicum of AGENCY, and I can make choices that aren't completely STUPID. Anybody who's played the game knows what I'm talking about -- there comes a point in the MQ where you're sat down in front of a committee and informed of your new appointment. That should have been IT. I can now change things to my liking. I now can change things in ways that fit my ethical standards, and in ways that enable me to resolve this situation in a way that isn't stupid.

Instead, the game railroads you, and it forces you to go for the big, dumb, Michael Bay ending, because it's cool, or something. It isn't cool. It's bad and unfulfilling.

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 5:58 pm

1.) No one is forcing you to keep playing. If you hit a point that you deem unreasonable, don't do the quest. BOOM DONE.

2.) Watch yourself. You're getting into spoiler territory, and the only worse thing than a good story is some whiny brat on the forums ruining it for you. Be considerate to other posters


In what world would you even begin to consider that ANY of the 3 main factions could get along? To make them all get another by some sweet talking shmuck who has known them for a few months (if that) to change their entire core beliefs would be absolutely ridiculous. /rant

Railroad wants to free the Synths. Unfortunately they basically commit a slow genocide by nuking the Institute, causing no new Synths, mass murdering everyone inside and above it. Morally against RR/BoS
BoS wants to murder Synths, Muties, Ghouls. Generally terrible people to everyone who isn't people. Morally against RR/Institue
Institute wants to be left alone to do SCIENCE! They generally do "bad guy" things, in the hopes of bettering humanity in the long run. Morally against RR/BOS

Minutemen left out for obvious reasons.

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 3:12 pm

I sort of agree here...I did a lot of things I didn't want to or agree with in the game. However, I understand they can't program 30 different responses and outcomes to every dialog scenario.
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 4:13 pm

That's your opinion and your entitled to it. But don't pass your opinion off as fact. "Anyone who's played the game knows what I'm talking about" umm no sorry. I'm sure many agree with you but that doesn't mean the game or storyline isn't unfulfilling to many many others. I agree the nuclear part didn't make sense, but you have to make tough choices in the game that's all part of it. You can't please everyone, and a happily ever after ending is only in fairy tales
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 2:57 pm

One of the most common complaints about Fallout 3 was that it was black and white. Welcome to the world of gray.

On a side note, I had the same issue with New Vegas, which I never finished. I wasn't going to take out Mr. House and I wasn't going to take out the Brotherhood, who I was friendly with. I couldn't progress without doing one or the other, so I have no idea aside from a battle at the dam what happens after that. Loved New Vegas and spent many hours in it, but my solution was to maintain the status quo, or at least let somebody else take care of House or the BOS. I wasn't going to do it.

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 11:17 pm

I'm nowhere near the end yet, but, if I can stck it to the Fascist I'll be happy. I hate Fascists.

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Steve Fallon
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 6:00 pm

What you hate is what many of us love.

What you want is what many others would hate.

If you can accept variety in storytelling styles, you can love everything.

If you can't, then it is your own fault.

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 6:23 pm


In a game where I can get into any companion's pants by quicksaving and reloading enough times that I pass a romance charisma check? Regardless of their sixuality, or how many other companions I have in my harem on the side? Gee, I don't know, why would I EVER think a situation could be resolved through dialogue? :facepalm:

I don't know how much license I have to talk about plot details here even inside of spoiler tags. Suffice it to say that the make ZERO sense for the RAILROAD to do what they do during the MQ. If they had done the logical thing and seized the opportunity the MQ dealt them instead of doing the most foolish, illogical thing possible, I probably wouldn't have such an issue with the MQ. The BoS is a different beast, because they're dogmatic to begin with, and their Elder is a huge [censored].

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 9:35 pm

If I were to add an option for the game, it would be the Carrington and Elder Danse options.

1. The Carrington option would give players the options of installing Doctor Carrington as leader of the Railroad, which would require Desdemona to be assassinated. It would svck because Desdemona is awesome and everyone hates Doctor Carrington but if you make Carrington leader then he's willing to sign a peace-treaty with either the Brotherhood of Steel or Institute.

The terms don't really matter because it would make the game better to be played from both perspectives.

2. Elder Danse would be willing to make a peace-treaty with the Railroad but NOT the Institute. It would allow the Big Grand Finale at the end to feel less horrific.

What do you think?

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 7:55 pm

If you agree that it didn't make sense, then you know what I'm talking about.

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 5:42 pm

To be fair, it's the Post-Apocalypse.

Bisixuality and Polyamory are no big deals.

You know, because of the whole isolated "every day we might die" business.



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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 11:11 pm

The only reason I can't finish is because of the companions tie. My favorite character is Danse and my favorite faction is the Institute. I'm just hoping there will be a DLC or mod later on that will allow us to spare Danse even if we side with the institute or at least make Danse into the BoS elder, which is the only reason why I can't stand BoS, I just don't want to be working under Maxson.

I like the moral dilemma though. It's not a power fantasy like many games out there. You can change things but you can't bring peace to everyone, some conflicts can't be resolve by you.

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 9:57 pm

I think they could have done a LITTLE better.

Provide a peaceful resolution for ONE faction if not all of them.

And that's what they did with the Minutemen but TWO would have been nice.

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 1:34 pm

Just that one aspect. If that prevents you from wanting to complete the story then I'm sorry. The wasteland isn't meant to be a lets all be happy and get along place
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Post » Tue Dec 08, 2015 12:47 am

I agree but it would have been nice to have more options anyway.

Like if you were Director of the Institute and want to make peace with the Brotherhood, to bring a peace treaty to Elder Maxson and have him strip you of your brotherhood before exiling you.

Something like that.

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 9:37 pm

The % based charisma checks work in the players favor to give them a chance when their skill is low. I'm not a particular fan of it, but for those people who like to save scum I can see the appeal of it. The romance options, and frankly relationships in general in the post-apocalyptic wasteland seem to be right on par with what they should be.

I'm not saying that the Railroad did the best thing ever. But I consider them radical terrorists anyways, and super short minded - so I don't pick that ending. (Let's just free the synths by wiping their minds, essentially killing them, and then hurray they are free! I'm sure Danse is thrilled to be BoS and Synth...ohwait)

So again, you want 3 factions that morally CANNOT co-exist to get along and be friends. It just would be absolutely terrible writing. How would you see that converstation going between any of them? What would your argument be?

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 9:46 am

Agreed, being able to lead your chosen faction would be awesome
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