:facepalm: Tsk, if only I had gotten here sooner. Oh well, it's not too late, I suppose

By the way, a day of no one posting does not make an RP dead. I don't know how they do it in the Fallout section, but here things take time.
First off, the story: The first paragraph is ok, although I don't really see a need for a mysterious land bridge to the island, just have people get there by boat. Also, I don't think Stendarr, if he had the ability to pick and choose who gets in his temple, would let anyone of impure heart in.
Surely there are enough baddies in Tes that you don't have to reffer to one as "a dark lord". How did he build a castle after capturing the Coc, but before the Legion did anything to stop him? How big is this island that you can fit several forts and a castle on it without any skirmishes?
Other than that, the plot is sound, if not really that great. No offense, but it isn't up to snuff.
Anyway, let's move on. Grammar is the number one thing that will make a newb look like a newb. If you use proper vocabulary and grammar, no one will know that you aren't an experienced RPer/writer. I understand that if you speak english as a second language your grammar won't be perfect, but if you don't fix things simply because of laziness or that you are convinced that it doesn't matter, then I can berate you as much as I want

I hope everyone knows the rules well enough that they don't need to be posted anymore...
If you are unconfident in your character template, borrow one from another RP or character sheet. I myself always include the following: Name (and Nickname if they have one), Race, Age, Gender, Birthsign, Class, Major and Minor Skills, Armor, Weapons, Clothing, Other Equipment, Physical Description, Hair, Eyes, Personality, and History; generally in that order. I think you have most of that, so your sheet is pretty good, but make sure everyone places a lot of emphasis on history and personality, more-so than what detail they put into skills or equipment. It is much more interesting to have a developed character with a shovel than a flat guy with an obsidian great sword with golden calligraphy spelling out "freedom".
Finally, I'll give you the advice I give to everyone who makes an RP as their first order of business here: please think about taking part in some RPs and looking over other RPs before making your own. Trust me, seeing what a real(ly good) RP is like can help you make your own. I actually have never made an RP, though I am confident I could produce a very good one, and I am very glad that I started out taking part in them rather than by making one.
Thanks for the effort though, and welcome to Tes RPing :goodjob:
PS Good grammar applies to the rest of you as well. Also, an RP made solely of newer members is generally a bad idea. I hold that a higher ratio of good, experienced RPers will make newer ones improve faster than going at it by themselves.
PSS If you need more advice on making an RP, either ask me or consult a thread I did a while back. Feel free to bring it back to life if you'd like, http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=1003802&hl= It's short, but it has some good advice, I'd say. Also, if you haven't already, everyone here should look at Illusionary's guide to RPing at the top of the forum.