Ambassador Stonewall; Boomers
Ambassador Ouchobrain: Using our telescopes, we have spied a cannon at your (fairly flimsy) Fort. We would like to acquire it.
Rooster Smith- New Vegas
Good evening everybody. My name is Rooster Smith, I am here as a representive of Mr. House, who owns New Vegas, and the famous new Vegas Strip.
( Cuts a loud Fart, which everyone notices ... )
Damn it ... I'm sorry. I'm nervous.
I would like to start off this post by making it clear what we wish to obtain from this convention. then later, I will go into detail about what we can offer any faction in exchange.
1. An Autonomous State. We never really thought of New Vegas as a nation but seeing how the Mojave has changed these last few years, we would now like to announce ourselves as a soverign nation. Our flag is the lucky 38 kicking slapping a prosttute but that may change to a more politically correct symbol in future weeks.
We would like very much for every faction to please reconize us as a soverign nation. It would mean the world to us. We are however, different than most nations.
for one, we operate much like a company. There is a minimum requirement of capital to live inside the strip. We do this because most of our citizens are wealthy. It is a sad but true fact that most poor people are responsible for crime and cruelity. They are more likely to use chemicals that make them unstable. Our citizens pay for the right to live alongside peacful folks, and our many visitors pay for the right to vacation alongside a high class of people.
We don't say this to be mean or to be elitist, in fact, many of our citizens come from very poor childhoods. We just wish to be safe. We harbor no ill will towards any faction, and if possible, we wish to help them out if we can.
For that reason, we wish for evey faction to respect our borders.
2. The Rubuilding of the Human Race. The great war was a huge bummer to say the least. Mr. House and many of our citizens who agree to live under his rule, wish to bring technology and living conditions back to pre war levels. The intelligence of this man is off the charts. He can do it, he has the financial resources to make this dream a reality. Many faction in the Mojave can benifit from this, he's willing to offer very good compensation for various skill sets.
But even the poor working class/entry level citizens of every faction will benift long term. their children, even more so.
What we want is for no faction to impede on that.
3. The Platinum chip. Ouchobrain, we know you have it and yes we want it. We belive that we can come to a mutually benificial deal in exchange for the chip. Please name your price and we will be very happy to pay that price if we can.
Assets- We wish very much to help out anyother faction if we can. Allow us to name our assets and if any faction wants help in this area, we may be able to come to a deal.
1. Caps. If you can provide a service, we can provide adiquite financial compensation. Any service at all.
2. Fantastic living conditiion. If you have something to offer, living in the strip is a fantastic way for you to increase your standard of living. We will comp nearly everything, or if you don't wish to live in a luxury suite, we have houses which you can have for free, however, you will have to pay taxes, the saftey, convience of the nieghborhoods and upper class community will make it worth it.
3. We are going to start up a Football league. Real Football, not Throwball. The New Vegas Cosmos will be owned and operated by Mr. House, and the league will be largley subsidized by Mr. House as well, so no faction need go without a team. If you are interested in starting a team, we will expect you to pay what you can, if you can. But a large portion of the bill will be covered by us. Please let us know.
The Last thing I want to say is, over the next few days, I will talk to each faction individually to see what we can do for you, and you can do for us. I will be in touch with all of you, but if you want to contact me, that's fine too.
Thank you all.