The Golf Convention

Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 9:32 am

Right the luddite faction within the region is going to have a large enough number of pre war advanced military technology to provide the meta humans of Black Mountain, Oucho save your fantasies for those east of the Colorado.

*Turns to Ambassador Lobotomite
Waging war against our the NCR will profit you nothing, and in the long run the sleath boys will run out even if the Legion somehow managed to find them. So, are you ready for a cease fire?

Ambassador Lobotomite : The State of Utobitha

I do not trust the Ambassador of the Two-Headed Bear or the Ambassador of the Battle Cattle. I will accept a cease fire and I will prevent all other super mutants from leaving the State of Utobitha, but if attacked we will defend ourselves.

*Turns to Ambassador Ouchobrain

From listening to the debate so far I have gathered that the Battle Cattle seem to shun advanced technology. I also doubt that the Battle Cattle would keep their word when dealing with another of my kind.
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Juan Cerda
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 11:19 pm

Ambassador Andronicus: Enclave Remnants

*Sits back with a hot cup of tea*

*takes a sip*

Well if you don't mind, the Remnants of the Enclave are just going to sit back for awhile and wait for the debates to unfold.

Although we do wish to open talks with the NCR for the immediate release of any and all Enclave personnel currently imprisoned by them. As we wish to take these individuals and aid them in moving to the Mojave to join with us so that they may be with fellow compatriots.

On principle we'd also like the NCR's stolen Vertibirds to be returned to their rightful owners, but I can see that isn't going to happen.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 10:38 pm

Rooster Smith- New Vegas

Fallout Bob, Judging by your response we think the NCR and Vegas are gonna be able to really make non aggressive progress throughout the mojave.

a. We appreciate your acknowledgement of our soverignty. Rest assure that New Vegas has room to spare, develope, and grow into to. we are not looking to expand our borders and if we were, we would llok to freeside, but only in a mutually benificial way. freeside is the gateway to New Vegas and for that reason, we will be in talks with the followers and the Kings about sprucing the place up. In the far future, maybe even building casinos and residential buildings on their land. Although if we did that we would have to reconize their soverignty, which we do, and pay their taxes.

But you can be assured, we have no border issues, we do not want to expand, we just want our current border to stay the same.

b. This is good about technology, maybe Mr. House can work with your scientists. We may be able to teach each other a lot.

c. We know that the legion is dangerous, but things change. We have not given up on negotiating with them. We know it is hard to empathiize with people who murder and crucify. But the life of a Legionare is hard. We feel if we can show them kindness, perhaps they will show some as well.

d. ARE YOU READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL!!!!!!??????????????????? Awesome. Think of a team name, tell us where you'll play your home games. We're building a stadium near behind the Radio new Vegas building.

Tomorrow we will discuss how the Strip can help the NCR. And vice Versa.
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 9:23 am

Ambass Cody Daniels of BoS

Who wants or needs anything from us to improve a matter within the Mojave?

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Heather M
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 8:43 am

Frumentarius Brontus

I wouldn't pay heed to that NCR dog. The Legion does use crucifixion, what better way to prevent crime than a crucifixion for the unlawful, it is an example, it keeps Legionaries focused towards the glory of the Legion.

We have recovered many Stealth Boys as we use none. Black Mountain would acting on it's interests to accept our offer.

Boomers, we would rather like to keep our artilley, our offer of medicine, which you are lacking in quantity, still stands.

Mr. House, unless if you have something we need, we are going to keep this 'chip'. Despite what Profligates believe, Caesar does not will the deaths of those who do not deserve it, there is no 'murder' for those who don't deserve it.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:48 pm

Ambassador Crocker- NCR

*Sits back in his seat, putting his hand on his face looking at Ambassador Brontus and then back to the general group

Before I even respond to what's just been said.

*Spends back to Lt. Andronicus

How rude of me I didn't ask if you would like something to drink, although I see you brought your own tea.

*Turns back to everyone

We have fresh water straight from Lake Meed. If anyone is thristy or wants some food just let me know and I will provide it for you.

@ Lobotomite- You have my assurances that the NCR will not make any attacks against your people. Now Ambassador Brontus has offered you sleath boys. I've already noted my misgivings about dealing with the Legion and their ability to gather the sleath boys. But let's assume they even have some, what will happen once they run out? They have no industry and forbid their citizens to even interact with my forms of tech, Lobotomite, you are truly wise for not falling for their traps and lies.

@Lt. Andronicus- I know that you are a student of the past and understand that some wounds can never be healed. Moreno is a testament to that. Given the extra ordianary history between our two nations, I doubt I would even be able to get them released, and given that I still have no idea what the Remnants ultimite goal is I couldn't even consider such ideas in good faith.

@ Rooster Smith- I am glad these negotations have taken such a productive mood. The NCR isn't opposed to Mr. House expanding into Freeside and Westside as long as the Kings, FOA and Westside Milita have no objections to such a plan. As long as NCR citizens can get into Vegas without harm (which isn't happening in the status quo) and the people of the surrounding areas agree to such a union the NCR has no objections. As far as the Legion is concerned the NCR's opnion hasn't changed when it comes to dealing with them. Once these negoatations have turned from borders and war I'll consult President Kimball on the matter of a International Football Association, but if i try to get him to take action now he'll tell me to get refocused on the other issues at hand. And yes there are many ways we can benefit each other, the first being a joint aid program for the citizens of the Mojave.

@ Daniels- Sense you kindly asked, simply a cease fire between our forces within the Mojave Region.

@Stonewall- Tell me which you prefer. Stimpaks and industrial goods, or tribal potions made by some child slave in New Mexico. Think about it.

@ Brontus
*Turns to Brontus and looks him in the eyes.

I find your rhetoric slightly amusing but I can't help but point something out. I highly doubt the child soliders you use as suicide attackers "deserve" to die for any reason even for the glory of your God/King. Listen Brontus I feel as if your wasting time. We still have many issues that we must deal with. The ceasefire, border issues, prisoners of war, etc. If your serious about peace then let's get to business, if not then tell Caeser you shouldn't of even come.

ooc- I'm going to message some folks on the forums see if they want to join this, I encourage you all to do the same. If you know someone who would be good at this or have fun contact them. Let's get this party started :foodndrink:
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Katy Hogben
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 5:24 pm

Ambassador Mieux- New Vegas Strip representative, Mr. House

*Arriving with a Pre-War suitcase, brown suit with a red tie with Pre-War styled hair*

Representing the party that wishes to be recognized as 'The Free Economic Zone of New Vegas' IE led by Mr. Robert E. House. I am Ambassador Mieux, firstly I'd like to lay out the terms of a peaceful negotiation.

A. New Vegas, and all surrounding locales of it's region of the Mojave (Yes this includes Hoover Dam, Helios One, McCarran International Airport, and the El Dorado Substation) are turned over to Mr. House under the condition it is recognized as peaceful terms, doing this will ensure New Vegas lends it's support during the inevitable battle for the dam.

B. All military personnel must vacate Vegas on duty, those off duty enjoying furlough are permitted to stay, and NCR troops wishing to travel to Vegas for future vacations are free to enjoy the status of NCR Citizens on the Strip! (Although they are subject to arrest of Securitron jurisdiction if they misbehave.)

C. New Vegas will send a large alotment of power to NCR via Hoover Dam. 65% of Hoover Dams output will be sent to NCR, provided they pay 5 caps per kilowatt hour, 25% goes to New Vegas, and 5% goes regionally, as well as power from Helios One.

D. NCR is not permitted to keep any military force in the region post-Hoover Dam, as New Vegas will defend itself and host neutral if not tolerant diplomatic relations to NCR.

E. As compensation, NCR will recieve an alotment of Pre-War technology that is complex for the average wastelander to figure out. This is just the example of what New Vegas can do on it's own.

New Vegas demands it's indepence because under NCR rule, no progress beyond taxation will occur, and no one but Shady Sands will benefit from said taxes. It is possible that should the Legion expand and NCR push east, we may see fit to peacefully be absorbed into NCR's rule. Power alotment is negotiable, prices are not, and subject to change up or down as Mr. House sees fit.
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 3:41 am

Ambassador Mieux- New Vegas Strip representative, Mr. House

*Arriving with a Pre-War suitcase, brown suit with a red tie with Pre-War styled hair*

Representing the party that wishes to be recognized as 'The Free Economic Zone of New Vegas' IE led by Mr. Robert E. House. I am Ambassador Mieux, firstly I'd like to lay out the terms of a peaceful negotiation.

A. New Vegas, and all surrounding locales of it's region of the Mojave (Yes this includes Hoover Dam, Helios One, McCarran International Airport, and the El Dorado Substation) are turned over to Mr. House under the condition it is recognized as peaceful terms, doing this will ensure New Vegas lends it's support during the inevitable battle for the dam.

B. All military personnel must vacate Vegas on duty, those off duty enjoying furlough are permitted to stay, and NCR troops wishing to travel to Vegas for future vacations are free to enjoy the status of NCR Citizens on the Strip! (Although they are subject to arrest of Securitron jurisdiction if they misbehave.)

C. New Vegas will send a large alotment of power to NCR via Hoover Dam. 65% of Hoover Dams output will be sent to NCR, provided they pay 5 caps per kilowatt hour, 25% goes to New Vegas, and 5% goes regionally, as well as power from Helios One.

D. NCR is not permitted to keep any military force in the region post-Hoover Dam, as New Vegas will defend itself and host neutral if not tolerant diplomatic relations to NCR.

E. As compensation, NCR will recieve an alotment of Pre-War technology that is complex for the average wastelander to figure out. This is just the example of what New Vegas can do on it's own.

New Vegas demands it's indepence because under NCR rule, no progress beyond taxation will occur, and no one but Shady Sands will benefit from said taxes. It is possible that should the Legion expand and NCR push east, we may see fit to peacefully be absorbed into NCR's rule. Power alotment is negotiable, prices are not, and subject to change up or down as Mr. House sees fit.

Uhhh wow that was really good but Mr. House's spot has already been taken...
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Maria Garcia
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 7:32 pm

Uhhh wow that was really good but Mr. House's spot has already been taken...

Wrong! It's working like that episode of South Park 'Who's in charge around here?' 'We are! the CIA!' 'Not any more you're not! 'Aw damn it'

I'm taking the Mr. House chair here :P
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louise hamilton
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 2:50 am

Wrong! It's working like that episode of South Park 'Who's in charge around here?' 'We are! the CIA!' 'Not any more you're not! 'Aw damn it'

I'm taking the Mr. House chair here :P

You'll have to take it up with Roostersmith.
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Kim Bradley
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 10:26 pm

You'll have to take it up with Roostersmith.

Yeah it's really Rooster Smith's call, and given how enthusiastic he's been about his role I doubt he'll switch...
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 6:05 am

There could always be two representatives. Or, if it comes to it....*Camera zooms in on my eyes* I'll just have to KILL Rooster :stare:
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Chase McAbee
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 7:17 pm

There could always be two representatives. Or, if it comes to it....*Camera zooms in on my eyes* I'll just have to KILL Rooster :stare:

Lol Martyr just pick another faction, two reps makes things to complicated and then everyone else will be asking for two or three reps per faction which then just destroys the whole point of the Convention RP. The next time theres a "Convention" like this I have a good feeling you'll be House.
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Len swann
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 7:09 pm

Lol Martyr just pick another faction, two reps makes things to complicated and then everyone else will be asking for two or three reps per faction which then just destroys the whole point of the Convention RP. The next time theres a "Convention" like this I have a good feeling you'll be House.

There's no other faction to represent, the rest all svck. :cryvaultboy:

Fine! I'll go find the Sierra Madre! And when I do, you'll be sorry! YOU'LL ALL BE SORRY! :verymad:

*Storms out mumbling about cleansing the Mojave*
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Scott Clemmons
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 10:56 pm

Well that was interesting...

Ambassador Stonewall; Boomers

It would seem that Mr. House had sent two representatives as insurance.

NCR: If you can make sure that your caravans can make it to Nellis without being destroyed by Legion Raiding Parties, welcome.

I also like the idea of a 'Rugby Mojave Cup.'

Mr. House: If you need help in any industry, please contact me here. We may be able to help.
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Nikki Lawrence
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 4:17 am

We need an air force, planes and vertibirds to be put into production to defend of enemies of any kind, if the NCR or anyone else wants or can make this happen then we would be virtually willing to do anything

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Robyn Howlett
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:49 pm

Well that was interesting...

Ambassador Stonewall; Boomers

It would seem that Mr. House had sent two representatives as insurance.

NCR: If you can make sure that your caravans can make it to Nellis without being destroyed by Legion Raiding Parties, welcome.

I also like the idea of a 'Rugby Mojave Cup.'

Mr. House: If you need help in any industry, please contact me here. We may be able to help.

OOC- Yes that was quite interesting all right

Ambassador Crocker- NCR

Our caravans will have no extra ordinary difficulty reaching your base all things considered. Crimson Caravan, my nations largest caravan and trading group, has it's regional headquarters only a few miles from your base on the outskirts of Vegas. It is of course stocked with the best material goods in the Mojave and the same goes for the top arm dealers the Gun Runners. This deal with cost 1 action point on both of our sides once the month is up sense I will have to send a message that Nellis is now open for trade to those said contractors and your people will also have to be alerted and prepared of the coming presence of foreigners to trade and their gates. All things considered I believe this is the best course of action for all involved and surely both of our peoples will benefit.

Also the idea of a sports league is very intriuging although I doubt the Boomers will ever allow homegames given the current situation. In any case that is definitely something to keep in mind.

@ Daniels

If the BOS mojave chapter is willing to come under the normalized command of the NCR military and take a oath of loyality to the NCR and it's government then I am prepared to offer you access to the NCR's air divisons assets as well as sole use of the air strip north of Primm for all BOS air division operations.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 11:21 pm

Ambassador Stonewall; Boomers

I will contact my people, and will tell them that the NCR may trade As long as they stay outside the gates. If they attempt to enter they will receive one warning, then they will be killed. Make sure they know not to enter. This will be beneficial for us both.

You are correct in assuming that we would not be able to host games for The Mojave Cup. At least, not yet.

If the BoS was to get the Bomber from Lake Mead, we would be able to help make an Air Force.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 11:22 pm

Guys! I'm sorry I'm late! Some guy jumped me and stole all my clothes! he said he wanted to represent New Vegas and not me!

Has anyone seen me pants!?

Alright, I want to talk to the NCR directly here about a few propsals and then I'll talk to the legion tomorrow.

Ambassador FalloutBob, awesome name, is that Christian?

1. The hoover Dam is a symbol of not just human progress, but of the mutual respect between our people. So for that reason, the Dam must not fall to the legion. I still believe that peace can be obtained with the legion. therefore, thanks in part to the strong security in place my our three families, and the sheer number of Securitrons, we have a sizable force of securitrons to donate to your army. equal to half of one of your battalion, however, I think you'll agree that they can deliver twice the punch, and without any loss of human life. consider this not a loan, but a gift. they will take orders like any soldier, and can be used to defend the dam. We get our electricity from the dam, and such it is in our benefit to see it safe.

2. We will send over an engineer/programmer. No doubt you will want to study these securitrons, however, this can lead to damage, so one of my men will assist you in any such research.

In return we ask for 2 things. They are both biggies.

1. Vertibirds. We know how to build them, but we lack the Industrial power to build them in mass. What we would like is to pay for all of our vertibirds, use them in scouting and defensive copacities, but use your factories and production lines. We can only build them at a slow pace.

2. If we can talk the Legion into ending war, realeasing their slaves, educating their people and reconizing all other soverign nations, I would like for you to give them the town of Nipton in exchange. Nipton is destroyed anyway, and it can oneday be the City Ceaser wants as jewel of his nation.

I know this sounds crazy but the Legion have huge numbers which can help our economies. Imagine them as a peaceful nation instead of a warrior culture. We just have to get them to see that it would benifit everyone to end all war and violence.
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Jacob Phillips
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 10:59 pm

Frumentarius Brontus

Shame, another faction led to its death by the NCR. Boomers, you've just made a mistake.

NCR, you really think that the Legion, spreading across states, doesn't have the ability to aquire Stealth Boys? And Peace? The NCR wants the Mojave, House wants the Mojave, Caesar wants the Mojave and the people of the Mojave want to remain independent. There can be no peace.

If Black Mountain can actually remember that they want... no, need Stealth Boys then they'll accept our offer.
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BrEezy Baby
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 5:27 am

OOC - Why does Mr. House know how to make Vertibirds?
Why does the NCR have the tech to make Vertibirds?
Why do Nightkin not want Stealthboys?
The Courier can get 50 stealthboys per Caesars Favour drop, the legion has no shortage.
House's number of Securitrons is nothing compared to NCRs number of troopers in the Mojave. And all the Securitrons are busy.
Goodsprings has stated it's unwillingness to join the NCR, including Trudy (who has more power in the town than Mitchell)
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 2:36 am

OOC - Why does Mr. House know how to make Vertibirds?
Why does the NCR have the tech to make Vertibirds?
Why do Nightkin not want Stealthboys?
The Courier can get 50 stealthboys per Caesars Favour drop, the legion has no shortage.
House's number of Securitrons is nothing compared to NCRs number of troopers in the Mojave. And all the Securitrons are busy.
Goodsprings has stated it's unwillingness to join the NCR, including Trudy (who has more power in the town than Mitchell)

Lets clear this up oucho.

I'm not sure if the NCR can make vertibirds, I just assumed. can because he invented robco and merged it with reppcon, the guy is hundreds of years old. he can make anything. if you go into the NCR camp with the general who is shoots himself at the end of the mission, you can see Robert house standing in front of a giant robot when he was young. It's pretty cool.

I agree with on the stealth boys.

the nightkin have other thins to consider though, like their freedom, saftey, future, ect.

The NCR has 3 battalions only in this excercise. YOu gotta read the first post, one of the problems with the Nellis convention is that people didn't know the rules and special situations, like the Enclave for example, and it confused them.

As for good springs, things can change. That' the whole point of this exercise.
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Setal Vara
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:30 pm can because he invented robco and merged it with reppcon, the guy is hundreds of years old. he can make anything. if you go into the NCR camp with the general who is shoots himself at the end of the mission, you can see Robert house standing in front of a giant robot when he was young. It's pretty cool.

RobCo was a robotics industry, and REPCONN was an space exploration company. Aside from computer parts to fly the Vertibird, which could have been a Post-War Enclave addition, we have next to no reason to believe RobCo nor REPCONN would have any hand in the design of the Vertibird. Also, don't forget the Vertibird was a vehicle that never left prototype phase prior to the Great War. Don't cite Operation Anchorage because it's made the point that the simulation was largely delusions of Chase's grandeurs.

House's company was fitted around robotic things and computers, REPCONN was exclusively space exploration. The Museum of Technology in D.C. has a small model of the Vertibird and states nowhere who made it but clearly showing it wasnt a classified project, REPCONN has no such model. REPCONN being a subsidiary of RobCo means RobCo didnt own the Vertibird project either.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 6:50 pm

Even though this is kinda late, any spots available? Is old Jacobstown open?
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Sarah Bishop
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 8:20 pm

Ambassdor Stonewall; Boomers

Frumentarius Brontus

Shame, another faction led to its death by the NCR. Boomers.

Why can't we trade with both?

And you seem to be assuming that the Lefion could defeat the Boomers.

NCR: We acquired many high powered rifles from Vault 34, but were never truly trained in their use. It would be nice if you could sent in one or two Rangers (I hear they are the best) to teach us in their use. They would be able to live at Nellis for the duration of their stay, and would be under the full protection of the Boomers.

Mr. House: If you would like, we would be able become an air force, were you to provide the means to make Vertibirds, and more B-29s.
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