Hello everyone, this is a spiritual continuation of the Nells Convention U.N and Bridges' earlier model U.N. The concept is simple, a member represents a faction and it's interest within the Mojave to the best of their ability. In this thread the first and most important thing to aim for is no war. Under this simulation all sides (Legion included) are actively looking for peace for varying reasons. At minimum some sort of cease fire should be reached among the major factions, even if it means giving up critical interest within the region. All claims of peace treaties and the like will not be mandatory. An ambassodor can easily sign a peace treaty now only to have their faction betrayed down the line.
When acting, act as an ambassador would and react in the same way. Don't make outlandish claims or otherwise derail the thread. When you start a new post in character put a heading like this...
Ambassador Crocker- NCR
so that everyone knows who you are. If you need to say something out of character just write out of character- or ooc- etc. With the formalities out of the way here's a overview of the sim.
-The Mojave is just as it is when the Courier leaves Doc's house with a few changes for the sake of the convention.
-The courier doesn't exist and has no effect in the world.
-Benny has been captured by the Legion and Caeser has the chip
-The Boomers know nothing of the outside world except that this convention is happening and that it is here at Camp Golf. Further they havn't gotten the plane from Lake Meed and still have a wide array of problems to resolve.
-All of the Powder Gangers operate out of NCRCF.
-The Enclave are as they are in the current game, their base is still unknown to the rest of the factions.
-Factions are relying on current capabilities, so no promising 5000 troops will storm over the border and win automatically. What's in game is what assets you have.
A few other things, no DLC material should be referenced in mainly because some forums (like myself) won't know what the hell your talking about, and besides this is about the Mojave. Same goes for trying to bring up Fallout 3 factions, Fallout tactics etc. Try to look behind other factions intentions as well, and act as if you have no knowledge your ambassador wouldn't have. (So the Khans wouldn't know the Legion was going to betray them). If another ambassador brings up such a chrage (for example the Legion will betray the Khans) you have to back it up with evidence or an example your ambassador would know. If another forumer is acting to out of character or even betraying their factions interest to an amount you find degrades the sim then note it and settle it with the other person. Ultimately it's up to them what to do though with their rp.
Ok enough of that now for roles. Note what role you want to be and I'll note it on a post. Once we have a majority of roles filled it will go on fully. At 2/3rds (10 out of 15 respones min.) I'm thinking about trying a time laspe during which each faction can make one action, then the negotations will respond. But that's further ahead and can be dealt with later. For now choose a faction. If you were in the Nellis Convention thread you get first picks. If you don't like one of these things, or want to see something changed, just tell me and we'll discuss.
With that, have fun, and start once you have chosen.