The game is broken in many ways, I keep playing none the less, getting real annoyed of cheaters however. So Crytek releases a console port...
The Good:
Awsome Campaign.
Awsome Multiplayer.
But both attached with so many problems.
Crytek will polish the game, I have no doubt about it, it will fulfill expectations. Or at least mine but I won't hold a grudge for the initial release.
The Bad:
Anybody can go and download a pirated copy and even have access to multiplayer... The anti-cheat system fails, I mean a little more and people can just type god_mode 1 in the console and have access to being invincible... I understand Crytek wanting to release their game on consoles, there are less with chipped and soft modded xbox's and ps3's then there is an ease of access to pirated game versions on PC. So go ahead and make money, its the whole idea, but Crysis 2 displayed Press B to crouch in single player on the initial release, I think that's sad they release a PC version displaying console controller functions... Multiplayer access being a client side registry code, I mean what were the dev's thinking. I enjoy the gameplay but: No DX11, terrible single player AI, cheaters, terrible hit boxes, hitting walls when aiming a meter above them, random crashes, stats not saving (gotta love this one, level 29 and all my perks continuously reset to level 1), serial key in use?, leveling from 1-50 within a few hours (farming relays), paying for an apparently free game???
I know they will fix these MANY issues, and when they do it will be a great game.