The Gore/Nudity Suggestion & Concensus

Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 5:48 pm

I don't know why corpses would be completely naked if your stripped them, unless you're a necrophile or your mercantile skill is so high you can sell dirty used undergarments taken off dead people.
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Richard Dixon
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 11:09 pm

I'm not all that fond of 'gore' in a video game, that doesn't mean I wouldn't play a game just because it has gore, but I don't think excessive gore is necessary in a video game. Most gore wouldn't be too realistic either, generally people were simply hammered or slashed to death in the middle ages. (TES has a medieval setting) And not cut up into little parts in the middle of a fight, sure people would lose bodyparts now and then but not every soldier would lose an arm and a leg in a fight.

Regarding nudity, I personally find gore and blood to be one step higher then nudity (Although I understand many people think otherwise) although I wont specifically ask for nudity, I wouldn't mind it if it was in the game.
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 2:04 pm

Keep it as it was in Oblivion (although perhaps allow the blood decals to stick around longer). No need for nudity or for dismemberment.
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Miss Hayley
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 4:41 pm

Also, the level of detail the OP is asking for just absurd. I mean, you want to go straight from having people fall over dead without any wounds to friggen holodeck program. How about we make blood appear on people first?
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Marie Maillos
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 9:06 pm

I don't mind gore but I'm not really interested in looking at pencses flying around the screen.
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Mistress trades Melissa
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 12:16 pm

when fighting with axes and swordsbody parts are going to get things chopped off, FACT. but such cases should be limited i wouldnt want body parts flying about every time you get in a scrap, it should be an occasional thing if your sword was to hit a limb or the head
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Robert Bindley
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 1:09 am

I don't mind gore but I'm not really interested in looking at pencses flying around the screen.

lol, I don't mean pencses being chopped off. I just not greatly fussed on designing a character with his [censored] in my face. I mean, next people'll be asking if we can change the length and shape of it. Yh. thin briefs and topless is cool. That pretty much accepted as normal in this day and age.
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TIhIsmc L Griot
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 6:27 pm

I'm all for gore and nudity, but we'll never get the last one. After all, video games teach us that it's perfectly ok to maim, butcher and slaughter but nudity is the devil
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Alexander Lee
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 7:39 pm

I think they could take the Assassin's Creed series as an example how to do the finishing moves. I just loved them, the animation, the gore, the excitement, it was all perfect.

And no dismemberment for me, please. I hate it enough that in Fallout we don't have an option to turn it off.
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Bethany Watkin
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 6:58 pm

I love how people are still suggesting things, most of it crap and having nothing to do with the original post. One person went as far to say that I added as much detail as a hollow deck. Thanks.
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Kira! :)))
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 7:38 pm

Beheading and massive nord boobies!!!!! muahahahahahahahahahhahaahah!!!!111!!one!!!! ahem ._.
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Chelsea Head
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 10:06 pm

As long as theres some sort of child lock or a way underaged kids CANT turn this on, it should be okay. However this will not happen :bolt:
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Nathan Risch
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 5:36 pm

Put a Toggle option so parents wont know with Fox picking on Portal 2 >.>
cutting up bodies and seeing my enemy naked looted body just adds to the game but its not a big deal imo

what parents??!!! its M rated :whistling:
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oliver klosoff
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 6:00 pm

if ur 18+ and nudity and violence make u go into a fetal position mumbling in horror, then seek therapy


I mean it, ur head is not right.

if ur 18+.... I will break it for u, the tooth fairy does not exist :shakehead:, and people that die don't come back :shakehead:, and the red stuff that comes out when u get a bobo is called blood :thumbsup:, also people are born naked not clothed.

if u find any of the above information disturbing then..... :facepalm:
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Melanie Steinberg
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 5:01 pm

Gore is fine but no/very limited nudity. Everybody acts like it's nothing but I know what they are think. Epic teabag -_-

;P. Someone had to say it...
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 12:48 am

I think there should be a Gore toggle just to satisfy parents. Then everyone who wants Visceral Combat and/or Nudity could have it.

Dismemberment should be handled with Edged Takedowns. The casual loss of limbs in Fallout was lame. I mean, I punched one dude in the head, and it went flying off.
On that note, I hope there are Unarmed Takedowns too (depending on how they plan to handle hand-to-hand anyhow).

Nudity...well, look at God of War and other games that fail to come to mind that have it. If anyone should get upset about that stuff, it should be the parents being mad at themselves for being ignorant in their purchase for their (blank) year old kid.

"You should've said 'blah blah' on your rating!"
"We did ma'am. Blood, violence, sixual themes, and the rest were all on it."
"Ah, *stutters than a gurgle*, its your fault anyways, nyah!"
*hangs up phone*

It's going to have an M rating no doubt, so be brave Bethesda. If nothing else, to appease people, release it as DLC with quest or two, lol. 'Cause then parents can be like, "No, I'm not paying for Nekkid DLC."

*rubs eyes and wanders to a different thread*
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 4:50 pm

For me gore and dismemberment add very little to the game and while I admit that I don't know much about this sort of thing, I'm sure there are trade-offs. For example, it would seem that the feature might make models and ragdolls more complicated which in turn could limit what the game can and can't do in other ways. As I have no clue what I may have to give up in order to get a feature like this (even if only the alternative things the devs could have developed in the time used making a gore system), I can't say I support it. But I'm not categorically opposed to it, either.
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clelia vega
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 10:34 pm

ITS M RATED (90% sure)

SO unless your a physico above the age 18+ that still takes orders from his/her parents then u should be in a mental treatment hospital and not playing games anyways.

M rated means only M_A_T_U_R_E people can play it

as in people that have seen other naked people and watch the news every now and then.

if violence and six offend you then u belong in a monastery and should devote yourself to a higher purpose and leave us vulgar people to enjoy our secular pleasures, if blood and nudity freaks you out then your a person I don't want to meet....EVER
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naome duncan
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 12:55 pm

I can't play a swordplay game with no gore. That being said, Fallout 3 was a little over the top at times.

I want to feel like I'm actually damaging the person, because you are actually damaging the person. You're slicing, dicing, and pummeling. Combat is damaging and brutal! I don't want be thinking "tee-hee I has a sword! lololol" when I'm fighting. I want to feel like I'm doing something dangerous, and something life threatening. That being said, you can go too far the other way. Making there be so much gore that it feels trivial would almost be as disappointing as not having any at all.

The combat should alsobe somewhat emotional. I know, I know, I said emotional combat. But, I want my enemy to have different things going on with his face depending on the fight. Is he terribly outmatched, does he know he's going to die? Are my attacks hurting or scaring him? Is he confident? Is he insane? Is he fighting to protect something? Is he fighting just for the thrill of it? The enemies need this depth because, otherwise I'm just beating the hell out of a training dummy.

And when it comes to nudity and six in M rated games, this is 2011 can we not handle some "boobies" in a game that is rated 17+? Seriously people?
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Lillian Cawfield
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 3:46 am

Nudity is the most disgusting, dubious and morally repugnant thing on the planet and should be avoided at all costs, but murders cool, I mean God killed People all the time in the bible but advltery? AW HELL NAW!
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Madison Poo
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 9:07 pm

:lol: Some of these prude people make me laugh. It's 2011, grow up. Most of what I suggested went into skyrim, if you actually read and watch some of the video's, you would know that. The only thing, THE ONLY thing I didn't see that was in this thread mentioned was nudity. Why? It isn't that big a deal, it adds power to story telling, and aesthetic value to the game. Adding a sense of realism and immersion that was only present in nudity mods, that sit on the top of every, top 25 mods since morrowind. Do not be shocked if you start playing and you kill an elf. As you are stripping them of valuable clothing, armor, and weapons, you notice that underwear is considered a clothing now and the elf can be completely stripped down. Do not be surprised if you pop in the cd it loads up and a warning for mature content pop's up. Do not be surprised if it is like one of those mods you hypocritically download after you came on here and said you didn't want it in the game.

Let me paint a scene for you.

You are traveling down a mountain path, clogging and lethargically stepping along in your clunky Nordic armor. The long narrow path scoop’s down into a fork. You decide to head left and prospect a relatively unvisited cave. As you head down the path bandits shoot down ropes from the tree’s and ambush you. Four bandits, encircling you, make it possible to make out a mage, rogue, warrior, and healer. Whipping out a one handed axe from its sheath and wielding a flame spell in your left hand, you burn, swirl and finish off the encroaching warrior. Back rolling toward the healer and mage, you simultaneously switch to dual throwing axes. Whipping up to your feet you throw both axes at your targets and connect both killing the mage and knocking the healer to the ground with axe in her leg screaming in pain. The rogue now running in fear to high ground as the healer painfully takes the axe out of her leg, attempting to heal. Chasing down the Rogue you switch to dual fireballs. Combining the power of the two spells you cast at the retreating rogue killing him in a gulf of fire that sets the land and trees on fire. As you turn around, the healer is at your back with a dagger and manages a good stab in your leg. You stumble and groan and manage to get one fireball off to finish off the healer.

Searching the bodies in order by which one is closer to you, being the healer you take her healing tonics and administer them immediately. Taking the rogue’s bow, everything else is burnt. The warrior, a male Nord has brilliant near perfect armor, having a high barter, you know it fetch’s a high price. You remove the armor carefully from the warrior leaving his naked body lying where it was. Grimacing at the sight of the wounded naked body, you move on, reminding yourself of the value of the armor. Finally you make it to the mage, whom had nothing of wealth, but you retrieve your dual axes. Satisfied with your claim you head back to the fork, on your way back to town.
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Yung Prince
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 2:49 am

I don't see how nudity needs to be shipped with the game, the modding community never fails to deliver. After about a week the first nudity mod will be up.

I think more magic effects would add a sense of realism to spells, such as charred corpses, electricity burns on victims of lightning etc.
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Chris Ellis
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 4:47 pm

I don't see how nudity needs to be shipped with the game, the modding community never fails to deliver. After about a week the first nudity mod will be up.

I think more magic effects would add a sense of realism to spells, such as charred corpses, electricity burns on victims of lightning etc.

With that same logic, why add anything to the game at all. Just make a blank template and let modders do it.

Look, the simple answer is, Bethesda has been trying to bring this side of the pc to consoles. The problem they run into is only that Microsoft is picky about how this could be done. They don't want to let players have their own private file on xbox. In other words they don't want to make it easy for cheaters. Besides, industry level development on something almost always trumps mod. Honestly I mod on computer and it is a lot easier now, but back in the day it was really hard. Actually you can look up this video, he is talking to the mind behind MineCraft and they bring up two things they wanted to do. Todd said what I just told you plus a skyrim version of minecraft. Which they actually did. Minecraft mentioned they wanted to theres on consoles and mobile phones, which they are. So if that doesn't tell you anything, I don't know what would.
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 3:35 pm

I certainly hope Beth. does not leave features out of the game because modders might make them...
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Kahli St Dennis
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 9:51 pm

I think it's fair to say a huge portion of of development is finished so these "wouldn't it be cool if" threads are getting a but redundant.
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