» Mon Jul 18, 2011 11:47 am
TES has always had this realistic sense, despite the completely made-up world and environment and that's what I always thought was incredible about it; how the developers literally made up an entirely new world, added law and order, and groups willing to uphold those laws or break them. It was a very realistic addition to games, and I think that is what made Oblivion so playable. On that note, there were a few things that were very unrealistic about Oblivion. First thing that comes to mind is the Imperial Guards finding you out of nowhere. Even though you might commit and act of violence or theft, I don't see HOW you are wanted and known across the entire country. It would make sense if your face was publicized but there is just no way, so I think you should have an individual bounty in each city, it would make more sense that way as the guards would know who you are and what you've done in that city, not a neighboring one.
One more thing that I found unrealistic was definitely the gore. How you could endless flail at someone's lifeless body to not see any realistic wounds or dismemberments. Albeit, dismembering isn't all that important to me but I would love to see blood and perhaps a gash or wound at the site of where I struck them. For example, if I were to stab someone in the leg, I would expect to see them limp, blood dripping from the wound, and the wound itself, not a splatter of blood in a random place like in Oblivion. As far as that goes, I think the three options of gore are fair for all levels of players. No one would complain as everyone would get what they ask for.
As for six and nudity, I think both add another realistic aspect to the game, but I wouldn't be too disheartened to not see either of them in-game. Though I would put intimacy on top of nudity... I like Mass Effects style of doing things, as the preemptive and following dialogue of the scene is incredibly realistic. As OP posted a link to a scene http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oNixoKm9T7w, I think that is so close to real-life situations. I mean, you can actually feel and see the feelings she has towards Shepard and how she acts shows it. I've seen this numerous times in real life and to put this in-game would add such a deep element to it and would redefine TES, in a good way of course. When it comes to nudity, I don't really care. It'd be nice to see the women ;) but if it stayed the same as Oblivion, I wouldn't care too much.