I don't know what top 100 list you are looking at, but I have seen some great mods.
When it comes down to it, nudity is not needed. Gore isn't needed, however gore can make Combat and Finishing moves look better.
I have no idea what nudity will make look better.
Well that's why i wrote the suggestion. It explains it all if you would only read. ::):
With the argument that it isn't needed we could just as well say the same thing about thousands of features in game. That is why that argument tends to fail. People love customization, and though it may be true it isn't needed that only proves just that. Not that it isn't wanted. Judging by the vast majority of voters, and posters I would say change to it is wanted. Now is it going to be exactly what I say? no, odds are it won't even be close if they do it. Same thing happened with my hardcoe suggestion and several others that went in. Was I upset no because it at least went in and it showed that they were at least willing to listen to us and try stuff out.
(emphasis mine)
Sorry but I disagree with this. People are not generally as petty and arbitrary as the statement in bold suggests. I see and hear people give actual reasons why they take one position or another on a given subject all the time rather than just mindlessly clinging to the status quo, as the statement in bold suggests, be they big or small issues. Also, when "what's done is done" and the opposition dies down, I don't think the only explanation is that people changed their preference; could be that many people lose hope that they can have any influence on the outcome--especially if we're talking about a video game feature after the game has already shipped! In this case (video game already shipped) the only reasonable thing to do (if you really care what people think in the first place) is to give people the benefit of actually meaning what they say if asked, before the fact, and not imputing meaning after the fact.
That's okay it's a free country you can disagree anytime. I see few intelligent people make there opinions known and the ignorant huddled masses follow blissfully unaware siding with whatever there friend says they like. Just like the bail out crap after it went in did you even see anyone else still fighting about it screaming in town hall videos? Nope. . . BUT this is a different topic if you wanna talk about this pm me. I love debate.
Back on topic. You had several good points but on each one there is that double edge of the sword. It cuts both ways. If they would of kept fighting and held out with hope and everyone knew that that feature was horribly inappropriate then economics kick in and demand needs a supply right? So they patch it with some middle ground. (my entire suggestion is a middle ground, having nudity isn't even the worse thing i have seen people want

I compromised.)
I didn't mean for it to say that they all just jump on board like nothing happened. I was speaking of course of people who are just ridiculous and there pride is the only thing that keeps them from liking a suggestion.