Honestly that could go on forever. As usual I will do a short hand version and a long expanded details. Jump to the short version if you want to skip everything and don't like reading.
-=The Question=-
Would you like to have an upgraded version of Oblivion gore that fits well into the game. Not even thinking about fallout. In other words on finishing moves would you like to dismember at a rare chance based on skill. Would you also like for Gore to be 3 setting's between Light - Intermediate - Maximum, with light being the default. Also an option to turn Blood off completely under the settings would be nice. Thanks Otheral. The suggestions referring to nudity involve no six. six would be considered an A rated game. I did not suggest that. This is to make it clear.
-=Expanded Details=-
I just want to end this for good with an actual good thread with what everyone has been saying that they want. So the suggestion is oriented at giving everyone what they want in the game being that we have the option. Also an option to turn Blood off completely under the settings would be nice. Thanks Otheral.
The consensus that I have seen, is that people do not want to easily chop off limbs, the blood content and gore in the fallout series seemed to be too much at least for the Elder Scrolls. People think that a rare chance of dismemberment would be acceptable on a finishing move. With occasional and realistic wounds not to the level that it is ridiculous. With a small chance for scaring.
Just so we are crystal clear in case anyone didn't know but this is the defition of an M ESRB rating; "Titles rated M (Mature) have content that may be suitable for persons ages 17 and older. Titles in this category may contain intense violence, blood and gore, sixual content and/or strong language."
On that I am going to suggest things based on that. If you do not base them on this premises that everyone finds a middle ground or what the majority want then I will not put it up here. I am sorry.
-=Gore Toggle Levels=-
Gore should be determined at the start by three settings. A warning much like the shooters today do, should provide you with the switch, the very first time the game is started. Much like what modern warfare 2 did because of there extremely graphic content (specifically the car scene.).
-=Realistic Combat Effects=-
-If you are using a weapon above a certain weight it should cause the opponent to react to it in either fear, staggering, or any other acceptable response. By no means should a daderic dy katana not phase a man who is unarmored. That is ridiculous. A dagger will not cut an arm off, but will cause bleeding or trauma on unarmored targets. The level of damage and effect caused should be determined by armor type, defense rating, damage of the weapon, and if it can pierce armor or not.
-If you are using a long bow against heavy armor it should do piercing damage and be extremely harmful. Long bows are credited with the death of the Knights. If you are struck by arrows they would stick in unless you broke the ends off so you couldn't see them right? This was actually done in Morrowind back I believe.
-Magic effects should be very unique. A fire ball would catch leather on fire, melt weak metals, and heat up heavy ones that are not enchanted with some sort of defense. An ice and fire attack would svck the oxygen away from you or make it very hard for you to breath so make it look like your holding your breath on the screen. It wouldn't be for long and is more of an ascetic like much of this is but it's important enough we have talked about it for years. If I use a blind spell the target blinded should at least appear like a blind man would. Loss of coloration in the eye and feeling about scared because he knows he is in danger. If I use levitation I assume it wouldn't appear as if he was walking on flat ground. But honestly never seen someone levitate so I can't say for sure. Magic could take some time to discuss the effects so I will end on the note that you guys should think of what would happen if magic were real and you were hit by fireball or lightning or what ever the spell may be.
Scars should be brought into the game of Elder Scrolls. If say your right arm's armor has completely broken and it gets hit again doing MASSIVE damage depending on your gore level you could develop a small or realistic possibly customizable scar. Scars would be determined by the damage type as well as the amount of damage and where it was. If it is customizable the scars are not unlocked until you have taken the specific prerequisite to get that scar. A scared up level 50 players is the mark of an seasoned veteran who you don't want to mess with.
-=Simulated A.I Emotion=-
This should go in as an improvement to the current one. In fallout NPC's had fear and anger. If there health was half way they would run away, if it was full and you attacked they would be mad. I think if a player uses a heavy weapon on a smaller less experienced player or even if you are being attacked by a big orc with a war hammer, it should simulate the effects of fear. Stamina increase, health decrease, the player has a small chance of making the npc run away or crouch holding there hands over there head in fear. If the player is Mad then Stamina, Health, and Magika should receive a boost. In ether case I recommend developers try to draw the same out of the player playing. Rumble the controler, put heart beat sounds and such to bring the player in. Bethesda games tend to lack emotional draw.
-=What each Level of Gore offers=-
-The basic level would be what is in the topic question. With few exceptions being that there is no longer painted on underwear and you cannot dismember people at all. Underwear should be an undroppable item on the "light" gore level. You should be able to change the underwear and at least add in some comedy about how for 10 years people were wearing the same underwear every day and were possibly born with it hahahaha. Also men have actual chest hair! I mean not all of us like to go hairless. So on customization in the beginning please give us that option.
- Intermediate level should include 50% the gore and possibly mild nudity in an realistic aspect and dismemberment finishing moves are allowed.. Very light wounds show up depending on the aforementioned parameters. The possibility of developing scars comes into play as previously mentioned. Underwear remains undroppable on men and woman but in the event that Bethesda added in romantic sub plots Mass Effect level nudity would be considered mild.
-Maximum level of gore and nudity allowed to an M rated game is shown. Before the setting is put in place an warning appears a lot like a are you sure disclaimer kinda thing. Full nudity is permitted in appropriate places. Public Indecency is a law in skyrim and you would be smart to follow it. :;): Being that you would be charged and arrested by the Nordic town guards if you went streaking just like anywhere else. This should come with colorful quest that take you out of your comfort zone like giving us achievements for the type of thing and ect. If you didn't get the picture. Quest that embarrass you like trying to run a whole quest nvde or something. Remember the one from oblivion the dadric quest where you make everyone take off there cloth's. On that level. The chance of scaring is at max level meaning that if you take huge amounts of damage depending on where it was taken you could form a scar. Your own dismemberment is possible, if you are out matched in a finishing move. Say oblivion you run in and try to fight Umbra and this is in place, well I think I would learn my lesson.

Perhaps more if people like what I have suggested.