Fort Homestead, Cyrodiil - 10th of Second Seed, 4E 174As Faendal expected, the old man's ravings had managed to inspire some kind of hope into the sorry band of prisoners. Despite his explanation- more of stating the obvious- the fools thought freedom was worth dying over. They didn't understand, they didn't know the things Faendal knew. Their ignorance, their useless hope, would soon get them killed, and the Thalmor certainly wouldn't stop with them. If they made a break for it and he didn't go, the Aldmeri would waste no time in executing him.
'Looks like they're set on it... Idiots.'The Bosmer sat in sullen silence as the others kept on at their game. Some insulted him, others simply dismissed his warnings. Either way, they all had their minds made up: they were going to run tonight, and nothing he said would stop them.
'Well, if I'm dying tonight, I might as well die spitting those damn gold-skins in the face.' Faendal actually cracked a grim smile at the thought.
'Maybe...'As the wood elf made his decision, the other prisoners continued making "plans" for their escape.
'Distractions, surprises, they don't know how Thalmor work, do they? There is no strategy, there is no ploy we can make. It all depends on how many we can take down, and how fast we can run. After that it's up to luck.' The old elf looked up at the stars. The Shadow was still right over head.
'Y'ffre guide us.'Finally, the blathering ceased. The last one to speak, the orc, seemed like he was trying to take command.
'Good, we'll need people to keep 'em together once they start dying.' Another prisoner, the only Khajiit, held a makeshift lockpick in his paws, mumbling something about picking a few of their bracers. Faendal looked around, trying to decide for himself which prisoners would be most useful unbound. He eyed the orc that had spoken earlier, as well as the two Dunmer within their company. All three looked dangerous- their bodies might be weakened, but that look in their eyes was unmistakable. They could kill, and quickly. Many of the others might be useful, but those- and the cat himself- would be the best.
Faendal cleared his throat once more, drawing the prisoner's attention. He wore the same scowl as before, but his eyes were not angry or condescending. They were hard, like two pits of coal, but they were also determined. If there was no other way, he would command again. "Listen up, because I'm only saying this once. If you fools are so set on getting yourselves killed, I'll be damned if I let you do it alone. There is a way out, a way for us to escape, but it's not going to depend on distractions or fancy tactics. Our only option is to hit these bastards hard, then run like hell before they have a chance to realize what's happening."
The elf looked around, meeting each prisoner's eye as he spoke. Despite their haggard faces, he liked what he saw: the same determination he felt. "Many of you will die before it's over. That's a fact. But if you're going to run, then there's no looking back, no hesitation. You can't fight the Thalmor, and you can't save anyone else. All you can do- all any of us can do- is run as fast as we can away from this gods forsaken pit. The crazy bastard has a point," he nodded to the old man, still smiling at the center of the fort, "Our best chance is to split up and head for the water. Once we hit the other shore we're going to strike north, dodge any Thalmor patrols, and hope they don't catch up to us. From there we should be able to reach the Imperials, and freedom."
The old Bosmer coughed, his throat rasping from the effort of so many words. "I'll lead the group that heads west, towards Weye. You, orc, take the rest east, then see if you can cross the Rumare and make it to the Waterfront. Khajiit, you go with him, if you can swim." Faendal's lips twitched into a grim smile as he pointed to the cat. "Before we do any of that, however, we're going to need to get a few of our hands free. Start with your own bracers, Khajiit, then free the orc and that Dunmer." The Bosmer pointed to the tall elf that had spoken to him earlier. "Then, if you can, get the chains off the Redguard human. The rest of you will have to make do until we can get a key. Just be glad they didn't chain your feet."
Faendal's voice was about to give out, but he was almost done. After this it was all up to them. "Everyone on my side, congratulations, you're with me. Like I said, we're heading west. Everyone else, you're with the orc and Khajiit, going east. And if any of you want to see the sun tomorrow morning, you'll do what we say. There is no time for democracy. Questions will only get you killed."
OOC: Alright, that should move things along a little bit. Jonas, whenever you can make your intro post, you can assume leadership with Antlive and Sibera. Also, to clear up any confusion, Faendal wanted Karzon to try and free himself, Ermac, Varth, and Akhel, if he can, Sibera. Everyone else, sorry, but they are the most combat oriented characters, and we can't realistically free everyone before the break. If there are any other questions, comments, or further plans, feel free to discuss them in the sign up thread. Otherwise, we'll be getting to the actual escape as soon as we can.