The Gray Blood Company
Mission One: Escape
"On the 30th of Frostfall, 4E 171, the Aldmeri Dominion sent an ambassador to the Imperial City with a gift in a covered cart and an ultimatum for the new Emperor. The long list of demands included staggering tributes, disbandment of the Blades, outlawing the worship of Talos, and ceding large sections of Hammerfell to the Dominion. Despite the warnings of his generals of the Empire's military weakness, Emperor Titus Mede II rejected the ultimatum. The Thalmor ambassador upended the cart, spilling over a hundred heads on the floor: every Blades agent in Summerset and Valenwood. And so began the Great War which would consume the Empire and the Aldmeri Dominion for the next five years."
The Great War
By Justianus Quintius
The year is 174, of the Fourth Era. The Aldmeri Dominion, comprised of the former provinces of Valenwood, Elsweyr, and the Summerset Isles, has been at war with the fractured remnants of the Empire for three long years. The Thalmor, leaders of the Dominion, seem set on nothing less than the conquest of all of Tamriel. The main elven army, led by Lord Naarifen, has struck north from Elsweyr, and is now advancing on the Imperial City itself. The embodiment of ruthless ambition itself, Naarifen has ordered anyone unfortunate enough to be caught in the army's path to be taken captive, to prevent advance warning from reaching the emperor. Focused on his goal, so close at hand, the Thalmor general has left the prisoners lightly guarded. A fact he will come to deeply regret.
The army has stopped for the night in the abandoned remains of Fort Homestead, setting up camp around the old ruins. The prisoners have all been forced into the central yard of the fort, split into two groups and watched by a handful of guards. Life has been bleak for these unlucky few, but more than chains now bind them. Late at night, they share their determination, their hope, that soon they will be free. Tonight, this close to the Imperial City, might be their last chance. And so, surrounded by enemies, bound in chains, our story begins...
"The year 4E 173 saw stiffening Imperial resistance in Cyrodiil, but the seemingly inexorable Aldmeri advance continued. Fresh legions from Skyrim bolstered the Emperor's main army in the Imperial City, but the Aldmeri forced the crossing of the Niben and began advancing in force up the eastern bank. By the end of the year, the Imperial City was surrounded on three sides - only the northern supply route to Bruma remained open."
You are one of the two dozen prisoners held within the Aldmeri camp, taken somewhere during their march from Elsweyr to central Cyrodiil. You have suffered under the cruel hand of the elves for what felt like months: poor rations, forced marches, and regular beatings have pushed you to the breaking point. Something must be done. Someone has to fight back. Somehow, you must escape.
It will not be an easy task. Guards watch, just out of earshot, for any signs of trouble. Enchanted manacles bind your wrists, that make all magic useless. You have no weapons, and little strength. Yet, if you are to survive, this will be your last chance to break free of your elven overlords. You must come up with a plan, something that will give you enough time to get past the guards and dash through the elven camp to safety. From there, it is still a two hour journey to Weye, the only entrance to the Imperial city. If you can make it, however, you shall be free.
"In 4E 174, the Thalmor leadership committed all available forces to the campaign in Cyrodiil, gambling on a decisive victory to end the war once and for all. During the spring, Aldmeri reinforcements gathered in southern Cyrodiil, and on 12th of Second Seed, they launched a massive assault on the Imperial City itself. One army drove north to completely surround the city, while Lord Naarifin's main force attacked the walls from the south, east, and west."
Standard roleplaying rules apply, of course. If it breaks the forum rules, it is not allowed. Other than that just use common sense; no ubering, no character control, no all knowing characters. If Jonas or I tell you something, you'd be wise to listen, because we do reserve the right to kick you out of the RP. If you want to drop out, just tell me, and we'll do something about your character. If you leave without telling anyone, and don't return soon, your character will be killed, sorry. Anything other than that is fine, within reason. If you have a crazy idea that you're not sure about going through with, run it by one of us first. And remember the number one rule: have fun!