You have yet to answer my question about using magic that produces a lot of light, Darkom. Will the Imperials take notice and send scouts to the fort, allowing us to escape easier?
My apologies, Sleeper. Yes, I suppose any sufficient magic would cause the Imperials to come looking for us. It would, however, remove any restraints the elves had for using magic; if they already know that their position is compromised, they won't have to hold back their own spells. If the situation is desparate enough for them they'll probably use spells anyway, but I think at the start we should try to stay hidden. Any beacon to the Imperials will also be a beacon to the elves.
Dibs on interrogating the Altmer. Though why head for skyrim?
As Urrinor explained, it is the only Thalmor free country aside from High Rock, and it is the center of the Empire's military at the moment. It is the safest place for our characters to go, and it fits in well with the emperor's escape from the IC and flight north. From a story perspective it also gives us the most to work with, as Skyrim is the most developed country (lore wise) at this time period. Not to mention most RPers will know it the best, and thus have a better idea of their character's motivation and location. Not to mention it's the province that I pulled out of the hat I was picking from.

I've tried not to muck up the thread with my posts (as I'm not in the RP yet), but the last few posts have made me ask: what exactly is the RP going to be about after reaching the IC? Is the Gray Blood Company going to be a Fighter's Guild-esque establishment in Cyrodiil/Skyrim, going on miscellaneous adventures, or will we have some semi-epic quest, or something completely different? I'd like to be involved regardless, but I'd also like to have a general idea of what the general theme will be (with details obviously being determined as it progresses). Thanks!
Well, we had planned this all out loosely in the previous thread, and I intend to go into more detail as we go along, but the basic premise is this: after we escape from Cyrodiil with the help of the emperor, we'll head north into Skyrim. As I said earlier, it's the only Thalmor free country at the moment, and for a band of escaped prisoners with no money or connections it's the best chance we've got. At first we'll be small, just the few that made it through the escape and whoever joins us at the IC, and as such we'll just be doing small jobs to earn a little coin. Once we find a place to live and a semi-steady source of income, we'll start working on plans for the future. After the success of our first few odd jobs, we'll decide that this isn't a bad way to make a living, and from there the Gray Blood's Company is born.
I'm sure we can interact with the Companions along the way (especially if we settle around Whiterun), as well as the local Jarl. I don't plan on any epic quests, at least not for a while, as the basic premise was short RPs with a quick turnover rate. This into RP will (hopefully) be the longest one we have, with the average I was looking for at around four to six weeks per storyline. If necessary, we can have two simultaneous independent RPs, with different plots but both coming from the Gray Bloods backstory.
The name of the game is flexibility. Instead of long RPs that force people on a particular quest, we'll have short, almost free form storylines, where the players decide how to proceed. This is all to prevent the slow decay of most RPs, with players dropping out due to schedule conflicts and loss of interest (though even this short one is starting to show signs of that). With any luck, we may even be able to establish a little community of RPers, similar to the Immortal Blood Timeline, where just about everyone knows each other and can interact more easily. A few RPs down the line we'll be laughing about how we gave the Aldmeri the slip, laughing over a pitcher of mead in Whiterun.

All of this, however, depends on getting through these few introduction RPs, which is why I'd like to complete them as soon as possible. Not to say we can't enjoy ourselves, but we need to keep moving if we want to see our long term goals succeed. This will depend on both attention from the hosts (Jonas and myself), as well as participation by everyone involved. We'll never be able to accomplish our plan if we don't all work together. However, the most important thing is and always will be that everyone has fun doing it.