Out of interest who chose the Gray Blood Company and what does it actually mean?

Well, I asked if anyone had a name they'd like to use but got no response, so I made it up along with the thread. The basis of the name is Glen Cook's fictional Black Company, which is in turn based on the historical White Company in Italy, I believe. I chose gray because we're a neutral faction, and the blood is to represent us being a family of sorts. Not to mention I thought it sounded pretty cool.

I think everyone should just get out of the fort so they can intercept a Khajiit scout a few feet away.
Have we actually found the Altmer prisoner to interrogate? I'm thinking it would be better to just stumble across such an opening - It's not improbable that the Dominion doesn't know of a secondary opening, if it's down an easy-to-miss, or recently-unearthed passage. Especially if it's hidden in shadow.
Where are we in the RP anyway? Too much planning ahead and not enough doing will kill this RP quickly. I think the party should stop lollygagging and start running.
However we find the opening is fine, but people seem eager to kill some Thalmor in the dungeon, so I guess that's happening first. After that we'll find and leave through the second exit and then continue as planned towards Weye. We are currently just beginning to enter the dungeon, with half the group already down there and the other half finishing off the guards up above before joining them. The first party can find this exit and bust some heads, while the rest of us hold off the elves for a few minutes. Then we all bolt.
How long before the rest of the camp finds out about their jailbreak?
I'd say it should be soon now. The camp guards will be in any minute, and the main soldiers will be up and after us within about five or six. So whatever we do we need to do it fast and get a move on. We may not have time for extended torture sessions, sorry.

Anyway, post tonight hopefully, good work so far guys.