A fair assessment, I should think. I wouldn't worry too much about the frequency of posts, however; as long as no one quits on us we will finish soon. The storyline isn't long enough to go much further, and as you said we are just about out of the fort. After that it's just a matter of the initial dash to the west, then the capture of Crimson and Scow, then perhaps one more big conflict before we go ahead and timeskip to Weye for the resolution. I wouldn't say this is the climix of the whole first RP, but definitely an essential moment.

True, we are trying our hand at smaller RPs (though this one seems to be going a bit longer than anticipated), but- as I said earlier- I don't see any reason to cut it off and start anew right as we reach the exit. The pace should pick up soon, and within a week or so we should be well on our way to the Imperial City. The biggest thing, though, is that there isn't any real opportunity for new players to join us at this point, unless they all want to be Thalmor. The whole point of breaking up an RP is to allow for new people to join in a smooth transition, and I can't really justify adding a substantial number of new companymen at this point in the RP. Once we reach the IC there is most definitely an opportunity, but for now I think we should just finish up with who we have.
That does not mean, however, that one or two people couldn't join right now. Most of the people waiting told me they either didn't want to jump in during the middle, or that they were simply too busy at the time to participate. If anyone doesn't mind introducing themselves mid-storyline then I would be perfectly fine with them joining us right as we leave the fort. So long as it is only one or two people, that is. So, if you really wanted ot join right now, Luminite, please be my guest.

In other news, I will be posting Saturday, moving the remainder of my group down to the action, possibly even jumping in on it myself. From there dispatching these guards should only take a few more posts, and after that finding and taking the exit will be a snap. Also, please let me know if you are waiting on anyone, or are unsure of what to post. The main reason RPs stall is because people that want to post aren't sure about doing so. Communication eliminates confusion, as my coach is always fond of saying, so please, tell me what your thoughts are regarding posting at the moment.

EDIT: My apologies, I claimed I would be posting tonight, but it would seem fate has conspired against me once again. I don't have the time this evening, but tomorrow morning I will be certain to add Faendal's response to the mix. Until then, anyone else is free to make a combat post. Jonas has already moved the remainder of us to the battle chamber, so anyone that is feeling up to it can take down an elf.