A couple hundred years ago it didn't. Since then it's been inhabited by all manner of bandits, rogues, and necromancers. Any one of them may have ordered a bolt hole made in the back, for emergency escape. The Thalmor may have overlooked it, or boarded it up, but its existence isn't necessarily unreasonable. Besides, the manner of our escape isn't nearly as important as the result: reaching the Imperial City. So long as we do that, how we got out of the Thalmor camp is almost irrelevant, other than for simple consistency's sake. We can change our plans, but once an event has occurred it goes against my better judgement to simply retcon anything. So until it's put down in character, anything is subject to change.
Yes, I agree with you Arathorn. Despite what Faendal said, if enough of us "die" in the attempt, it would make more sense to stick together than break apart. Two dozen prisoners can split into two groups; ten, however, would make it too unsafe for either. So, if no one else minds, we may just stick together for now. Once we reach the IC and get a few more members maybe, but at this point we'll hang out together a little while longer. As I said in my post in the RP, we may just all end up going through the dungeon. I dislike changing plans, but sometimes it's necessary.
Ah, good to see you Ni. I understand not having enough content to post about, no worries. At this point, however, you should have plenty to keep you occupied.