Indeed, for now, the Company is (or shall be) very small, so anything remotely political like what I said would be impossible. But who knows, in the future... one can only hope eheh.
I for one would find it very interesting to be present during the retake of the IC, but I guess that for now, escaping into Skyrim is probably the wisest thing to do...
edit: W&V, aren't you characters bounty-hunters or something? Seriously now, Boba Fett is cool.
edit: W&V, aren't you characters bounty-hunters or something? Seriously now, Boba Fett is cool.
Yes, they are. That's why we don't need any other scum. Boba is cool, but I always liked Jango's attitude.
More bounty hunters means more rivalry. So unless there are working in another province, I fear there might be some friendly and a not-so friendly competition between characters.
Hoping there will be more to the group than just being 'bounty-hunters', we'd obviously be involved in some local politics. If it is just fighting the whole time Paige would probably leave but we'll see.
Hoping there will be more to the group than just being 'bounty-hunters', we'd obviously be involved in some local politics. If it is just fighting the whole time Paige would probably leave but we'll see.
I agree. Too many BH would be overload. And I am interested in politics too.
Hoping there will be more to the group than just being 'bounty-hunters', we'd obviously be involved in some local politics. If it is just fighting the whole time Paige would probably leave but we'll see.
I'll try to keep Paige interested! What's she good for again?
I agree. Too many BH would be overload. And I am interested in politics too. Don't get rid of Paige just yet.
I wont. I'll wait and see how the RP plays out. But I feel like bringing in another character to satisfy my bloodthirstyness within the RP.
I'll try to keep Paige interested! What's she good for again?
Not a lot to be honest. Getting unwanted attention? Making friends? Delivering letters? Not many things that you really need as a bounty-hunting organisation.
She can clean our Head Quarters, cook up some food, and uh... "entertain" us maybe...
Looks like we're ending up a gang of bandits... She can be our fence/Public Relations/Liason to civilization and towns!
Not quite sure what entertain means
I like these ideas Scow. She would quite happily perform any administrative work if it were to keep the world happy.
I'll try to keep Paige interested! What's she good for again?
We can use her as bait to lure in enemies or use her for something.
I wont. I'll wait and see how the RP plays out. But I feel like bringing in another character to satisfy my bloodthirstyness within the RP.
I'm quite the opposite. I wish to bring in a less battle oriented character. I am just waiting for the third thread maybe. Or when I won't need the BH anymore.
And Paige is not into politics, is she? Or anybody else here?
I feel like the Thalmor need a taste of their own medicine...someone as insidious and cunning as they are, but pro-Empire. We need a political side to this.
We do, I believe it as well... Maybe someone will appear with a character on that level!
My character is very pro-Empire, but not really that much of a ruthless guy. He can handle himself in combat, but his main strenght is not on that level... If we end up making the Company a political player, he would surely get involved. It really depends, but if the RP allows opportunity, he can develop into a more combat-oriented char, or a more strategic one...
Anyway, I will only get involved on the next chapter, so I will refrain from posting much from now on. You guys go and give those Thalmor a beating
We do, I believe it as well... Maybe someone will appear with a character on that level!
My character is very pro-Empire, but not really that much of a ruthless guy. He can handle himself in combat, but his main strenght is not on that level... If we end up making the Company a political player, he would surely get involved. It really depends, but if the RP allows opportunity, he can develop into a more combat-oriented char, or a more strategic one...
Good. He can be best buds(Just buds) with my noblewoman. So, in order to ensure security and continuing stability, we will protect Imperial interests, for a safe and secure society!
You bet. And make sure Paige is still in by the time my noblewoman shows up I think they never met before, have they? We where in the same thread, but we were in a different in in the same town, I suppose.
Yeah. They were in the same RP. The one that was set in Bruma (at least that's where Paige was) in which I don't remember them meeting. It'll be interesting. Although they will probably get on better than Paige & Illana
Yeah. They were in the same RP. The one that was set in Bruma (at least that's where Paige was) in which I don't remember them meeting. It'll be interesting. Although they will probably get on better than Paige & Illana
Yeah, I remember that. She was in the fancy inn while Paige was in that "beggar" inn.
And I would agree too. Raven would love Paige's expertise in sending messages as a courier and etc. Illana is just plain nasty and naturally an animal when it comes to making friends.
Yeah, I remember that. She was in the fancy inn while Paige was in that "beggar" inn.
And I would agree too. Raven would love Paige's expertise in sending messages as a courier and etc. Raven would take advantage of Paige's willingless to do the most trivial of jobs for very little pay. Illana is just plain nasty and naturally an animal when it comes to making friends.
Pfft. Paige is working class. So what. Also I fixed it for you.
Pfft. Paige is working class. So what. Also I fixed it for you. long as Paige does a good job, the pay is good. She's not the snobby type of noblewoman to give little reward for great work. Damn, I feel like kicking Lycus out of the game and keeping the females. long as Paige does a good job, the pay is good. She's not the snobby type of noblewoman to give little reward for great work. Damn, I feel like kicking Lycus out of the game and keeping the females.
Aha. They're certainly more interesting to play as opposed to the usual. I'm sure Paige looks forward to meeting Raven at last.
The problem with trying to go entirely "Pro-Empire" is that at least one character is strongly Pro-Dominion, even if she objects to how the Dominion army treats its prisoners, and some of the decisions made by the Thalmor.
The problem with trying to go entirely "Pro-Empire" is that at least one character is strongly Pro-Dominion, even if she objects to how the Dominion army treats its prisoners, and some of the decisions made by the Thalmor.
Who do you mean, then? What if they walk between the lines, hate the Thalmor, but respect their methods of how things are done? That is at least what I plan.
The problem with trying to go entirely "Pro-Empire" is that at least one character is strongly Pro-Dominion, even if she objects to how the Dominion army treats its prisoners, and some of the decisions made by the Thalmor.
I don't think this will be a problem really. Although a lot of us will hold 'pro-Empire' ideals, we wont be able to act on them due to limits on our power and influence.
Who do you mean, then? What if they walk between the lines, hate the Thalmor, but respect their methods of how things are done? That is at least what I plan.
Well, my character's the opposite - She loves the Dominion, but hates their oppression of conquered people and mistreatment of PoWs.