The Gray Blood Company
Mission Three: Swords and Snow
RP Thread
"The Emperor's decision to fight his way out of the city rather than make a last stand was a bold one. No general dared advise him to abandon the capital, but Titus II was proven right in the end."
The Great War
By Justianus Quintius
The Story So Far:
The year is 174, of the Fourth Era. The Aldmeri Dominion, comprised of the former provinces of Valenwood, Elsweyr, and the Summerset Isles, has been at war with the fractured remnants of the Empire for three long years. The Thalmor, leaders of the Dominion, seem set on nothing less than the conquest of all of Tamriel. The main elven army, led by Lord Naarifen, has struck north from Elsweyr, and is now advancing on the Imperial City itself. The embodiment of ruthless ambition itself, Naarifen has ordered anyone unfortunate enough to be caught in the army's path to be taken captive, to prevent advance warning from reaching the emperor. Focused on his goal, so close at hand, the Thalmor general has left the prisoners lightly guarded. A fact he will come to deeply regret.
Two nights before the siege is fated to begin, the alarm goes up in one of Lord Naarifen's camps. The soldiers had set up for the night outside the remains of Fort Homestead, on the southern shore of the Rumare. The prisoners they had gathered along the way were forced into the crumbling ruins of the fort's yard, and at the blackest hour of the night they began their desperate plans for escape. The small but hardy crew managed to break free of their shackles and fight their way through the interior of the fort, killing almost two dozen Aldmeri soldiers in the process. After a bloody battle in the depths of the fort, the prisoners, led by a disgraced Bosmer commander, found a secret exit that led right onto the Rumare.
From there the prisoners made a reckless dash for freedom, skirmishing with several Thalmor patrols during their flight, and taking a few of their enemies captive. Many of their number were killed or wounded in the effort, but the prisoners had no time to grieve. After what felt like days running under the fading moonlight, the group stumbled across an Imperial patrol, just south of Weye. The captain of the patrol at first thought them Aldmeri spies, and was ready to give the order to attack when the prisoners managed to convince him of the truth. After that they were led, carefully watched but unharmed, to the first steps of the Imperial Bridge. Finally, bloodied and exhausted but alive, the prisoners had found their freedom.
The refugee's victory was short lived, however. As several of their number spread throughout the city, quietly recruiting more citizens to their numbers, the core of the group was confronted by an high ranking member of the Legion, the Tribune Vaultren. The legionnaire overheard the exhausted company's discussion about their Aldmeri prisoner, and before long they were taken to an Imperial interrogation chamber. In short order Faendal, self proclaimed leader of the refugees, was at Vaultren's throat, and as the guards swooped down on the prisoners it seemed they would be captured again. Just as the Legion was ready to put the whole group to the sword, however, a messenger came from the emperor himself, summoning the company to the White Gold palace.
After the still haggard group had assembled in the imperial antechamber they were shown into the throne room, where a dour emperor arbitrated between the Tribune Vaultren and Faendal. Just as the stoic Imperial seemed ready to pass the death sentence, however, he surprised all of them by agreeing to let the company enter into his service as mercenaries. Once the ex-prisoners had sworn their loyalty to the Empire they were dismissed, to be outfitted and rested for the upcoming battle. For every minute they waited, however, the Aldmeri armies marched closer, encircling the city, bringing doom on the tips of their swords.
"While the Eighth Legion fought a desperate (and doomed) rearguard action on the walls of the city, Titus II broke out of the city to the north with his main army, smashing through the surrounding the Aldmeri forces and linking up with reinforcements marching south from Skyrim under General Jonna."
The Great War
By Justianus Quintius
The Scenario:
It is the twelfth of Second Seed. The elven armies are encamped just outside the Imperial Bridge, and surround the Rumare on all sides. The Thalmor numbers dwarf the legions remaining in the city. Yet one hope remains. Emperor Titus Mede II, a brilliant tactician and an iron hard warrior, has not yet surrendered. Unbeknownst to the Aldmeri host the emperor is planning one final thrust; he has gathered all his strength, and he plans to take the offensive. Besides the famous Imperial Legion, he has sworn into his service a ragtag band of mercenaries, formed by a core of refugees and swelled with civilian recruits. The word throughout the city is that this small company, led by a bad tempered wood elf, may be the only chance the common man has for escape. As such, overnight the company was flooded with requests for membership. Few were accepted, however, and fewer still will make it through the coming battle.
Note from the Host:
The third and final installment of the Gray Bloods introduction has finally begun! You may begin posting as soon as you like (I will have my own post up shortly, but that doesn't mean you can't have your own introductions now). We are starting at the inside of the gates of the city, with the emperor standing before us and the entire strength of the Legion surrounding. We have had our pick of the Imperial armory, so you may have as much gear and equipment as you'd like. Over the night we formally elected Faendal as captain of the Company (though we have, as of yet, no name) and welcomed our new brothers. Our numbers may be small, but we hold rank with battle hardened soldiers. Fighting through the Thalmor lines will not be easy, but nothing for us ever is. And if we can make it through, the emperor has promised us our freedom.
The RP itself will be the last of the introduction series for the Gray Bloods; after this we'll begin our traveling guild of warriors mini-series. This final section will begin in the city, assembled at the steps of White Gold, just before the battle. Everyone will have had their choice of weaponry from the Imperial armory, so there is no longer any restrictions on swords or armor. Faendal will be leading our little band of merry men (and women) into battle alongside the emperor, but that doesn't mean you have to follow along like rank and file soldiers. This is a mercenary company, not a legion, so there is room for creativity and disobeying orders. The major focus will be on the battle, but that doesn't mean you can't interact with your fellow roleplayers. New ideas and scenarios are very encouraged, so if there's something you want your character to do, do it!

One last note before we begin, however: I will be attempting to take a less active role in guiding the RP. The last few RPs have been dominated by host-posts, and for that I apologize. That does mean, however, that I'll be depending on you all to help move the plot along. So please, be proactive in your posts, and get ready for some Thalmor slicing action!

Oh, and for anyone that needs an example of a character sheet, here you are. This is just a template, mind you, I'll accept any kind of sheet so long as it has a bit of detail behind it.
Home Country:
Faction and Rank:
Faction Description:
Class Description:
Motivation for Joining:
Home Country:
Faction and Rank:
Faction Description:
Class Description:
Motivation for Joining:
You may begin posting! I'll have my own post up shortly, but please make your own introductions in the meantime. Take a look at the Host's Note up above for details about where the RP is starting. You don't have to be there at first, but try to have your character there by the end of your first post. Good luck everyone, and happy RPing!