Khan Empire(Before the war)
Territory: Wyoming
Leader: Papa Khan
Technology Levels: Low but is getting support from FOTA
Military: 10,000
Population: 23,000
Khan Empire(During the War)
Nothing much changed except pop and military.
Military: 15,000 due to a draft.
Pop: 8,000
Khan Empire(After the war)
Territory: Montana, Wyoming, the Dakotas, Idaho,
Leader: Regis Khan
Technology Levels: Got help from the Midwest advising Khan reserchers. Medium, making advances every few months.
Military: 2,000(Dropped during the drought and riots) dropped when some soldiers could not serve anymore.
Population: 5,000(Dropped during the drought and riots) also consider some of the former KEM returning to civillian lives.
Khan Empire(6 months later)
Territory: Montana, Wyoming, the Dakotas, East Idaho
Leader: Regis Khan
Technolgy Levels: Medium, makes advances
Military: 2,500
Population 6,000
The KE is not involved in any alliances but still engages trade with the Midwest and the Legion
They also have a small squad of few vertibirds donated by the MWBOS due to there alliance, and jury rigged vehicles to create a small mechanized divisions of technicals and light tanks, and they have the best quality drugs in the wasteland and rule that market. (This was from the old threads)
Before the War after the FNV: After the Mojave conflict, the Khans tetreated to Wyoming to the North. There they reconnected with the followers and started building there empire. The Khans had the perfect territory. The Northern Commonwealth of the former U.S was not a heavy priority by the Chinese so only the largest cities and bases were attacked. There natural wildlife, which were not mutated roamed. The mines and oil refienries were still there but were left derelict after thee war. The Khans(200) encountered the Jackals(100), and the Vipers(100) who were also leaving to and banded together. In total, there was 400 total. When they got to Wyoming, they found it to be ravaged by both ghoul cults and super mutants raiders. There they settled down near Creek Bow, a small town at the mercy at of the hostile Wyoming Wastes. When Papa Khan defended them against a attack, he asked if they can join, and told them they want to start a empire that will protects its people. At first though, the people of Creek Bow were skeptical about joining due to they look like raiders but eventually gained there trust overtime. Soon Papa Khan seeing the harships vowed to stop the suffering. He was alonged supported with FOTA which had small outpost which also at the mercy of the Wyoming wastes. He exempted Ghouls that were not part of the cults but held prejudice against them assinging the lesser ones to work duty and the worthy ones higher positions. It took about 8 months to rid of the raiders, cults, and the super mutants. There, they made there capital Cheyenne and announced the Khan Empire and intergrated half of Mongolian culture into there empire.
American Convention: During the American Convention. The Khan Empire was represented by Emissary Vargas 2nd appointed emissary of the empire and his first diplomatic job. He was greeted by the WCBOS, NCR, VEGAS, and the Followers but when the MWBOS came, it started to escalte. Both the MWBOS and KE both had a hate of mutants and ghouls though the KE tolerated them at some degree. When trade agreement for Oil reached in return for PA, the West including the ECBOS Reacted regarding the MWBOS as flesh traders. When the KE traded assault rifles for slaves, shocked the west even more causing escaltions and frictions. The followers immidiatley left the KE. Soon the Pitt entered and the Mutant Community. This showed that war was imminent as the Pitt, MWBOS, Legion, and the KE shared common values and formed the Central Alliance. In the middle, the Commonwealth entered with the Allies. When the KE wanted Washington, the West reacted with war. They tried to reach agreements but failed and the War of Ideas erupted.
WOI: When the KE announce they were at war, the citizens were reluctant due to of there infancy. Since they had a trade alliance with the MWBOS, this put a strain on the KE civiliian workforce. Most KEM military personel were sent to defend Idaho from a southern attack from house and a western attack from NCR and WCBOS and the Mutants. There the Defence of the Aegis line erupted with the 1st Mechanized Battlegroup and the Emissary-Noyan(General) Vargas leading the new battlegroup with the Pitt Hellraisers Infanrty Division under General Ramsey against the 9th Oregon Mechanized Battalion of the NCR, Oregon Mutants, and the Hardin Division of the WCBOS. It was a PYrrhic Victory for the Allies. The KEM pulled back knowing a large force was approaching. They gained West Idaho but lost many men as the KEM ctitizens fought a guerilla war against them. A few months later, the 3rd Infantry Batallion of the KE supported with the 1st Mechanized Battlegroup unsusefully tried to invade Souther Nevada. Believing it was a weak point they attacked but had to get pass Area 51. There they fought against Houses Securitorn and NCR's 5th Mechanized Infantry Battalion. The 1st Mechanized Battlegroup suffered heavy losses as NCR Hanlon light tanks caught them off the rear while Houses Airforce and Securotns attacked them directly. The 3rd Infantry Battalion was elimnated and thousands were POW or lost. The 1st Mechanized Battlegroup escaped but with heavy losses. During the second year of the war, the KEM was mainly on defence while trying gain more troops and equipment. There, West Idaho was NCR and WCBOS while East Idaho was KEM. It becam a war of Attrition. During the 3rd Year, KEM initiated the Idaho Offensive The 1st Mechanized Battlegroup and the 1st Vertbird Assault Squdron would assault NCR positions in Western Idaho while the 9th Infantry Battalion along with the 3rd Artillery Battalion would Attack from Montana and go down south to attack the rear of the allies. It resulted in 5 major battles. Though NCR along with the WCBOS repelled them back. Despite though, the KE gained nothing nor the opposing sides. This was the last great offensive of the western front.
After the War: After the war, many KE. Total number of KE civilian and military dead were 17,000. The drought of 2287 made everything even more worse as the KE was evident of collapsing. Riots broke out and raiders resurge. Papa Khan died and Regis succeced him. He had 6 assasination attempts. The KE economy went into depression. Its monetray system suffered a near fatal collapse.
6 months later.
Stability has increased, raider gangs are lessening throughout the empire though are still a threat. The food trade form the Commonwealth has helped eliminate starvation in return for raw materials. Khan Researchers have recenlty managed to increase nonrenewable resources rate slightyly. Refineries have been repiared. Radical followers of the Vipers have been eliminated. Some have been spared if they dont incite another conflict betwen other religions. KE economy has improved. Population is now a intermediate levels now. Riots no longe occur.
KE Military: Follows the U.S Military Tradition though uses aspects of Mongol Military Traditions. Uses the decimal system, psychological warfare, and ground tactics. The special forces of the KE is the Keshig. The Keshig have frou branches. The Korchin Branch, the shock troopers in battle. Khevtuul Branch specializes in assasination and psychological warfare. The Torguud Branch is the imperial guards who accompanies the Khan and high ranking officials.
KE Religion: The KE dosent have a set relgion though decrees all are free to worship. Chrisitanity, Religion of the Snake, and Buddhism
Character: Emissary-General William Vargas
A high ranking emissary and general. As a emissary, he very respectful and open to all ideas and will state his point. When is out in the leading the 1st Mechanized Battlegroup, he is strategic, deceptive, and will use any tactic to defeat the enemy.
He well respected throughout the KE for his efforts of defending Southern Idaho despite and the Idaho Offensive, a last gambel by the KE to reatek West Idaho which was a failure but still praised. He hates super mutants and ghouls who are not worthy. He is a respectful but determined to the sole survival of the KE. He was 30, during the war and is now 33 and is in average shape.
Children: Vargas has a wife and 5 kids.
Skills: Guns, Speech, Barter
Perks: Commando, Toughness, Khan Trick, Walker Intinct, Educated, Center of Mass, Tribal Wisdom.
Traits: War Veteran, Fast Shot, Skilled
Varga's Companions: Emissary-General is being accompanied by the Keshig, the KE special forces.
OOC: Tell me what you think.
Edited at 1:52 pm, 5/24/12