The great dragon Alduin explained

Post » Fri May 13, 2011 2:30 pm

  • For those unfamiliar with Elder Scrolls lore, Alduin “The World Eater” or “The Dragon God of Time” is far from a new addition to Tamriel. The recent issue of GI mentions Alduin because that is the Nordic name for Akatosh, the chief deity of the Nine Divines.

    Martin transformed into the Avatar of Akatosh through the Amulet of Kings to defeat Mehrunes Dagon in Oblivion.

    The statue of Akatosh (Alduin) remains in the ruined Temple of the One if you completed the main quest line in Oblivion.

    The Chapel of Akatosh was badly damaged in Kvatch.


I know this is nothing new for many, but I'm just trying to help out those that are new to the lore.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 7:20 pm

fyi, might wanna edit your page
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 12:33 pm

fyi, might wanna edit your page

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Jason White
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 4:33 pm

not really all that much of an explanation, besides, we still dont know 100% for sure that alduin and akatosh are the exact same being...

besides, it still doesnt make any sense... i recall seeing mentioned somewhere that the gods can appoint someone a dragonborn if they see fit, and if that is what happened, who exactly sent this dragonborn after alduin?

akatosh is supposed to be the chief of the aedra, so if the other gods did it, isnt that kinda traitorous?

if akatosh did it, then alduin is either someone else, or a dark side to akatosh.

im just saying, it could be nowhere near as simple as you're making it sound.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 12:03 pm

akatosh is supposed to be the chief of the aedra, so if the other gods did it, isnt that kinda traitorous?

if akatosh did it, then alduin is either someone else, or a dark side to akatosh.

Akatosh is only chief of the Imperial Cult Pantheon, not all of which are Aedra. Aedra is a Mer concept, thus Auri-El is the chief (who happens to be Akatosh, who happens to be Alduin).

In Morrowind, Vivec described what it was like to be a god and mortal at the same time. In Shivering Isles we saw
how Jyggylag could be Sheogorath.
. It's really not a new concept in TES.

You have to remember that TES religion is like real-world religion... a lot of different interpretations without one being more true than another. Afterall, how much do we really know about Akatosh and his motivations in Oblivion?
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Miss Hayley
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 4:47 am

not really all that much of an explanation, besides, we still dont know 100% for sure that alduin and akatosh are the exact same being...

besides, it still doesnt make any sense... i recall seeing mentioned somewhere that the gods can appoint someone a dragonborn if they see fit, and if that is what happened, who exactly sent this dragonborn after alduin?

akatosh is supposed to be the chief of the aedra, so if the other gods did it, isnt that kinda traitorous?

if akatosh did it, then alduin is either someone else, or a dark side to akatosh.

im just saying, it could be nowhere near as simple as you're making it sound.
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Fam Mughal
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 8:48 am

thx for explaining this in a short and good way :)
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Wayland Neace
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