You are a member of the Graz-Ak tribe, for 183 years your tribe has lived peacefully but now the crops and Brahmin are started to die and the Graz-Ak people are slowly diminishing, the tribes High Elder, Trazk Graz-Ak knows of a powerful pre-war device that brings life to the land, this device is the GECK. High Elder Graz-Ak has gathered the best of the Graz-Ak tribe together in efforts to send them on a journey to find the GECK. You’re one of the tribesman/tribeswoman that has been selected to go on this Great Journey, the fate of your tribe is in your hands, will you find the GECK in time or will you fail and be responsible for the death of your people? The Great Journey lies ahead, who knows what paths it will take you down.
The Graz-Ak Tribe
Thirty years after the bombs dropped Vault 42 opened somewhere in Nevada, a man from Vault 42 named Joshawa Graz had recently married Lucy Ak, because the Vault was now open the new wed couple decided to go into the wasteland in hopes of creating their own civilization, they eventually found a small settlement with a population around 20 to 40 people, the settlement was completely unorganized and wasn’t built to last but Joshawa and Lucy changed that, they taught the people many skills and eventually took over the village. Within the first three months of leading the village Joshawa announced that they were now called the Graz-Ak tribe, the village was simply named the Graz-Ak village and from that day forth the tribe would only thrive.
15 years into the tribe’s existence it had already collected a herd of 35 Brahmin which was more than enough to feed the 100+ members of the tribe. Because of their vast resources the village was able to create huts and tents made from Brahmin leather and other materials scattered around the wasteland.
As the year went on the tribe didn’t grow much but ran perfectly, a large portion of the tribe became warriors causing a new class to be established, the Warrior class. The tribe relied on their own weapons that were completely hand crafted instead of guns, despite not using firearms the tribe was still extremely deadly and was able to hunt any animal and defend its village from any raider.
Unfortunately many years into the tribes existence a group of disgusting raiders attacked the village with diseased animals, during the attack the Brahmin got affected and many of the tribes plants were destroyed, this had a drastic effect on the Graz-Ak tribe, the effects are still being felt and the tribe is getting closer to its demise.
Character Sheet
Name: (Self-explanatory)
Age: (Self-explanatory)
Race: (The Graz-Ak tribe is mostly made up of Caucasians, there is a lot of African Americans but there is very few Latinos and even fewer Asians.)
Weapons: (Spears, short swords, hunting knives, the Graz-Ak tribe isn’t known to use firearms but they have collected several .308 Hunting Rifles, two without a scope and one with. There is also a few .44 Magnums, you can use one of these guns but remember this is the first time you’re using a gun.)
Armor: (The Graz-Ak tribes Warlords are known to pick pieces of armor from there fallen foe to make a suit of armor made out of his enemies armor. For non-Warlord characters you’ll be given reinforced leather armor for the Great Journey.)
Misc.: (Self-explanatory)
Rank: (Warlord, Chief, High Chief, Chieftain, High Chieftain, Elder, High Elder. Elder and High Elder are off limits.)
Personality: (Self-explanatory)
Bio: (Self-explanatory)
If you are unable to post nearly every day I advise against signing up, I know this might sound harsh but I want this RP to succeed, I’ve only had two RPs succeed in my “RP career” and those were finished because of the nearly constant posting. Those RPs weren’t linear either, it’s almost identical to New Manhattan, no joking here, the RPs were called the Manhattan Wars, it started in 09 though.
You’re not allowed to bring physical harm to other character without permission, but remember we were all born into the same tribe so we all know each other, if you want there to be a rivalry between your character that’s fine, and even encouraged, just remember that some rivalries can be friendly.
Posts should be at least a paragraph long, when in battle we will most likely split into two groups, or three depending on how many people sign on. I will be directing all enemies at you and I’ll also be basically controlling everything that goes on, but I’ll only be manipulating the situation, you guys the RPers will be adding the detail and choosing how the situation ends, if it even ends at all.
I am the all mighty God of this RP and my word is law and such.

Have fun and enjoy the RP

P.S. I know this a complete rip of the Fallout 2 plot but I think it will make a great setup for the RP. Call me unoriginal but please know that the Fallout 2 rip is just the foundation for the RP, there will be no Enclave, and the place this takes place isn’t nearly as friendly as California.