» Sat May 28, 2011 11:34 pm
For me, nothing has topped what Natural Selection was like in the first few months after the game was released. That game.... holy mother of god. It was like PLAYING Aliens.
For those who don't know (and I'd be surprised if many here did, it was a pretty "niche" game), http://www.unknownworlds.com/ns/ was a multiplayer only mod for the original Half Life. The beauty of it was, when the game was first released, very few people knew a damn thing about it (I knew a tiny bit from browsing the website), so EVERYTHING was new and amazing, and since every single entity in the game had a live human behind it, everything was deadly, so ANYTHING unexpected could scare the [censored] out of you.
It's sort of a multiplayer survival/horror fps/RTS, aliens vs marines, pretty much all on spacecraft of various sorts... very atmospheric and farking freaky as [censored]. IDK, it's a bit hard to describe it. It's a team game, and as a marine, you REALLY want your teammates around, because aliens can move FAST, hit HARD, and freaking vanish in a blink... plus, they can be very quiet if "evolved" for it.
So you've got your small squad of marines moving through this creaking, damaged, infested hulk in the depths of space somewhere, and you're all trying very hard to be quiet and listen for any noises, like the click click of claws, and then a [censored] steam pipe releases pressure right next to you and you freak out thinking an alien is coming out of the damn wall and you let off a few rounds and then go ..... oh [censored], now they know we're here.
And then you start screaming.
It was most amazing in those first few months though, because, again, no one knew anything, no one knew the maps, no one knew the aliens, no one knew the abilities, it was all "what the hell IS THAT THING AAAAAH" and then you'd get your face ripped off because that thing had a real brain inside it.
Plus the skulk chuckle was just creepy.
Playing as aliens was pretty fun too, but jesus, playing as a marine.... terror and adrenaline nonstop.