Who is the best wizard in Skyrim in Skyrim in your opinions?
Who is the best wizard in Skyrim in Skyrim in your opinions?
can he fly..?
the guy on Solstheim can fly...
Neloth is King. Anyone who says otherwise is a Super N'wah.
because he was meant as a reference to him
thats because Tolfdir doesn't cast spells of flight...
I'm not on this list, while the 4 blasphemous traitors are?! What shenanigans is this?
Azhidal he was very likely the last one "alive" who knew at least some forms of Dwemer magic.
As well as
"The seven natures of metal from the Dwemer and ancient runes and dawn magic from the Ayleids. He learned all that the Snow Elves, Chimer and Altmer knew, waiting for the chance to get revenge on those who destroyed his home."
I don't know exactly how old Neloth is but I doubt he knows dawn magic nor Snow Elven magic.
Although Miraak has been sitting in Apocrypha for Millennia and if there's one place your likely able to still learn Falmeri and Dwemeri magic it's there. Hermaeus probably has a ton of tomes on Dawn magic hidden away somewhere as well
I don't think Miraak really qualifies for best wizard. He's a Dragonborn Battle-mageish. He combines his magic with shouts and melee.
He's the strongest out of everyone on this poll without doubt easily. (game-play and lore-wise) The only thing that can beat him one-on-one is Karstaag and the Ebony Warrior.
But was he the most powerful wizard?
Well, most of those aren't in Skyrim, since Solstheim is a part of Morrowind of that list, I'd say Neloth. With age comes wisdom, right?
I probably wouldn't call the dragon priests wizards, since they primarily seem to use staves. Tolfdir's a nice guy, but he doesn't seem to know much beyond his mastery of Alteration. Aren clearly isn't that great of a mage ...
So yeah, Neloth.
The Psijic monks. They could fry Neloth to a crisp just by thinking about it.
Wait, Colonel picked a Dunmer over the other Nords in the poll?
Are you alright?
Anyway, my vote goes to the Dragon Priests. Ahzidal was a master enchanter (among other things). Hevnoraak was a master necromancer. Morokei somehow obtained the Staff of Magnus. Nahkriin built a portal to Sovngarde. Et cetera, et cetera . . .
I never saw him cast that much magic.. I mean, does using Hermaeus Mora's power to control people count as magic? He shouts, sure, and he is powerful. But he's not really a mage anymore than anyone else who can use the Thu'um is.
Well, Thu'um is a form of magic, just not your Mages Guild traditional magic.