I'm struggling to think of how Kai will end up with everyone else at the audience with the Emperor. I was considering that I actually didn't RP that but instead met you all afterward whilst the IC was under siege.
Unless you planned on timeskipping straight out of the city after the metting with the Emperor?
You don't really need a reason; the way I timeskipped I just put everyone in the room. You can mention something about how you came there with someone else, but I included all the new characters in my post (not by name, of course, but with a few generalizations). As soon as the city comes under siege we'll be busting out, so now is the easiest time for you to join us. The battle will just be too hectic to make any proper introductions. Now, on the other hand, we're just chilling in White Gold, so it'd be a good time for you (and any other newcomers) to jump in.
Speaking of, to answer your question Werewolf, the plan is to chat up the emperor with the rest of this thread, then in the next we'll go straight to the advance of the Thalmor and the emperor's decision to fight his way out. We'll timeskip straight to the battle lines, have a few good combat posts, then clear our way out. After that we'll say goodbye to the emperor and start on our merry way to Skyrim. That will conclude the third and final thread of our introduction, at which point we'll begin the real Gray Bloods, with the formation of the company and naming it. Then we'll start on our loose quest system, probably at Whiterun to begin with, and move on from there.

(Quick suggestion) Since my character isn't in anyone groups can I have it that my guy is fighting the Altmer at one of the city's entrances after holding them off he goes to the Emperor to give him a report on the situation and to reqeust more Soliders.
The Emperor can suggest that Faendal Platoon helps and we can go and fight the Altmer and then at some point break though the Altmer lines and out of the city!

Well, the thing is, the emperor is going to be fleeing the city before the actual siege sets in. It isn't strictly mentioned in lore, but the only time a strategy like that is viable is when the circle of enemies is still fairly wide. With the topography of the city, it'll probably be before the Thalmor even reach the bridge, since that would be our only escape route. The emperor will sally forth with his army while the Aldmeri are still closing in, break through the northern lines (which should be the weakest), and start on his way to Skyrim. If he times it right, the main body of the army should still be a few miles away to the south, giving him ample time to retreat.
The way Faendal and company are going to be involved is we, as the special few that gave him the information of the Thalmor position, will demand in return to sign on as mercenaries during his flight. We'll sell him our information- which is vital to his plans- in exchange for passage out of the city, basically. After that we'll both wish each other farewell and good luck and make our own way north. The emperor, as lore tells us, will be headed back south after meeting up with his armies from Skyrim, to retake the city.