My two cents: I don't think that the scene with the Emperor needs to take that long. Realistically, there are only a few characters for whom it makes sense to speak. Because of that, the rest of can't really do much in our posts except narrate, and reading an account of the same 10 seconds, 4 times, is not the most interesting in my opinion. The scene is good so far, but I feel like we can wrap it up soon. Even if that means that the scene is dominated by the posts of just a few people, I think that that's fine; I want to get out and start killing elves, and then head north. With the exception of the Arena match, everybody has been doing social, low-octane stuff for this entire portion of the RP; I believe that alternating between good social interaction and stretches of action will sustain this RP the most.
So, could we get in the last few posts and transition to the next phase?
I completely agree, my friend. I attempted to do just that with my last post; what I had intended to be a four to five post conversation has just taken place, for the most part, in one. Might not make quite as much sense, but I did my best, apologies to those that had wanted to throw their opinion in before the emperor made his decision. It's never too late, however, so feel free to jump in whenever.
To all of our newcomers, please feel free to at least make your way to the Imperial palace; the next phase of the RP will begin soon, and we'll probably be timeskipping through the introductions that will add your characters to the group. For now I'd just familiarize yourselves with the characters that are remaining and get ready for our fight with the Thalmor. Thank you for your patience, I promise we'll begin the next RP soon.

Not sure if this would be allowed but would a character that has the Lycanthropy disease that the companions have be possible to do in this Roleplay?
As long as you RP it with a bit of finesse it should be fine. He obviously shouldn't be going werewolf at every opportunity, and if he has it I hope he at least tries to keep it secret from the group. I'm not the type to say no just for the sake of keeping werewolves out, but just be sure you follow the conventions of roleplaying it. You can message me if you have any more questions; until then you can go ahead and start on the sheet for said character. I'm sure you'll be able to join us for the Thalmor fight.