Will there be any Red Team action any time soon?
Yes, there will be Red Team action shortly. I have been quite busy- midterms and the like- but I'm on break now, so I'll be able to post about every day.

So, unless the red team really wants to post out the rest of this scene I think we'll just be timeskipping soon. It would be easier for everyone, and would combine our two fractured groups once more.
Now what do we do Sivartus? I think we are ready for the GM to come by and snatch us to the Imperial Palace so we can get this invasion going.
Well then, if you guys are all set I'll start my preparations for the timeskip post. Like I said, I'll message you about how you want Vaultren to end up with all this. Everyone is going to be alive and free- for the moment, at least- so whatever we have to do to justify that will be fine. Whatever happens though, we need to convince the emperor to allow us to escape the city with him the next morning. So after a brief conversation with his majesty, we'll be ending this portion of the RP and starting the third segment. After that, which should be most combat and then us deciding where to strike our first camp, we'll be able to begin the Gray Bloods series proper. Very exciting, I know.