The Grey Quarter: Whose Problem is it?

Post » Thu Jun 13, 2013 2:44 am

As the name implies, whose problem is it? The Nords that provided the Dunmer this section of Windhelm to stay in, or the Dunmer who feel they are unjustly discriminated against? I have no bias towards either side, so I will be taking the middle ground on this one. Personally, I think it would be much easier if the Nords and Dunmer actually worked together to form some kind of compromise. But, that's for you guys to discuss, so, have at it then.

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Post » Thu Jun 13, 2013 2:19 am

The problem clearly stems from certain individuals of both peoples. Some Nords are distrustful of the Dunmer. Some Dunmer want to isolate themselves from the rest of the city. And then there are those in between who wished that these people would let go of their old grudges and prejudices.

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Cathrin Hummel
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Post » Thu Jun 13, 2013 1:05 am

Dunmers go home, Skyrim belongs to the Nords.

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Aaron Clark
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Post » Wed Jun 12, 2013 6:49 pm

Like I have said before I believe that the Grey Quarter is their problem, and as such it should be handled by them.

As for a compromise, I agree. In fact, that's already what's taking place in my mind. The Nord's gave the Grey Quarter to them. That's their offer. Now it's the Dunmer's turn. They can either become more contributive members of Windhelm or they can go further than that and help Ulfric in the war.

If they do that there will be results, although they will be different.

If they were to become more productive members of Windhelm, they would in turn not be complaining, and most likely gain the citizen's respect.

If they helped in the war, it would be Ulfric's respect they would be earning. The reason that's helpful should be quite obvious.

On the other hand, they can elect to continue doing nothing. And that's fine. Just don't expect the Nord's to do anything else for them.
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Kate Schofield
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Post » Wed Jun 12, 2013 7:47 pm

Let me summarize the posts that will follow.

Stormcloak Adherents: Those lazy Dunmer! They sit in their corner club and complain when they should be thanking High King Ulfric for giving them a home! What do they have to complain about? One is a farmer, one owns a shop (And is a tad on the shady side to boot) while another has a stall in the marketplace. Complain, complain, complain! They should clean up the filthy rats nest they live in!

Imperial supporters: Ulfric and all his Nords are all racists! Ulfric should be providing men and material to help fix that pig sty up! (Of course there are none to go around). Those Stormcloaks are good for nothing but making rebellion!

Myself like you falls in the middle: The dunmer shoud choose a representative or three to petition Ulfric to form a bargaining council to make their problems known rather than it having to be hearsay once it gets to him. Perhaps if he gave them an ear he could hear their side and they could understand his. Working together they just MIGHT be able to do something about the situation. There is SOME protection there since I see guards patrol the area but it needs a clean up crew and perhaps some repairs which the Dunmer land and shop holders could chip in on. Ulfric and the Dunmer provide olabor (If any can be spared) and the Dunmer help out with the expense.

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Kat Lehmann
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Post » Thu Jun 13, 2013 2:10 am

As I've said before, the Dunmer greatly contribute to life in Windhelm. Every single one of them is either employed or has their own business, and they are employed in various spheres of Windhelm's society.

Despite that fact, the Nords still don't seem to respect them that much. In fact, when you first enter the city, a man seems to be threatening a Dunmer woman with either kidnapping and beating, sixual assault, lynching or a full on pogrom. Granted, he seems to be part of a minority movement, but that doesn't mean that minority movements can't be radical and dangerous.

If I was a Dunmer, I certainly wouldn't volunteer to fight and die for Ulfric's cause unless I had a guarantee that my people would have something to gain from it.

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Post » Thu Jun 13, 2013 4:56 am

The only true solution to this dilemma, is to remove both parties. Vote for Hevnoraak at the next moot, and I'll swiftly remove both savage Nords and Dunmer that infest Windhelm.

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Post » Wed Jun 12, 2013 8:03 pm

My thoughts in a nutshell. Thank you kind sir, good to have yet another person on the middle ground. :thumbsup:

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Post » Thu Jun 13, 2013 4:59 am

Oh Hevnoraak...Tisk, tisk. :no: You're plotting world domination back in Valthume, aren't you?

In any case, we both know that the Nords and Dunmer in Windhelm aren't just about to pack up and leave on a moment's notice.

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Post » Wed Jun 12, 2013 1:40 pm

I wouldn't say greatly. Most of them do contribute somehow, but I wouldn't use that strong of a word. And various spheres? What do you mean by that? You mean they have jobs in a variety of fields, or that they have jobs of varying importance?

And a lot of the Nords lack of respect isn't because they don't work or do anything. An elf even says they aren't respected for that reason. They don't respect them because they whine about not having nice places, and ask for Ulfric to fix it even though they were given the reigns to that part of the city. As far as I know, Ulfric didn't cause the Grey Quarter to become a dump. He just hasn't helped them.

And trust me, that stupid drunk who is spewing his nonsensical hate of the Dunmer living there should die for his ignorance. I think he's a huge detriment to the city, to the Nord-Dunmer relationship, and to Tamriel as a whole. There is always, and I mean always, a special death awaiting him when I first arrive in Windhelm.

Edited out a harsh word choice. It fits, but that really isn't my style.
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Post » Wed Jun 12, 2013 4:31 pm

Good thing I have my own private army then. I will of course offer them a chance at redemption. If they refuse Alduin's blessing, then they shall be dealt with... Regardless if I'm forced to kill them, or convert them(most likely both in that order) they will no longer be a problem. :devil:

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Post » Thu Jun 13, 2013 2:26 am

And trust me, that stupid asswipe who is spewing his nonsensical hate of the Dunmer living there should die for his ignorance. I think he's a huge detriment to the city, to the Nord-Dunmer relationship, and to Tamriel as a whole. There is always, and I mean always, a special death awaiting him when I first arrive in Windhelm.

Ah yes, the Nazeem of Windhelm. I wouldn't be surprised if an arrow were to find him on a dark night as he is bulling through the Grey Quarter spouting filth. Would serve him right, essential or non-essential, whatever he might be. :devil:

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Post » Thu Jun 13, 2013 12:33 am

Yeah, that one Nord makes the rest of the Nords look bad. And as far as I know, the Snow Quarter that is now the Grey Quarter was always maintained just like the rest of the city, so how exactly did it fall into such a state? It's a very good question, is it not?

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Zach Hunter
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Post » Thu Jun 13, 2013 4:45 am

That is a very good question. Don't Dunmer live long? You'd think they would know, and tell anyone who would listen, especially if it was directly the fault of one person.
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Post » Wed Jun 12, 2013 1:24 pm

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Post » Thu Jun 13, 2013 12:50 am

They help manage the imports/exports of Shatter-Shields'. They grow the Nords food. They provide them with meat. They raise Nord children, and run the general store. They provide entertainment and have their own club. They've rooted themselves in nearly every facet of the city's society.

And he's prevented it from being improved by draining the resources the Dunmer need to improve it. They can't buy stone and lumber if it's been diverted to the war effort.

I doubt the Snow Quarter was in pristine condition before the Dunmer arrived.

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Post » Wed Jun 12, 2013 10:05 pm

He's essential on consoles, sadly. :( It's rather funny though after you beat him in a brawl over his racism he immediately calls you his friend. :confused:

Nah, I preferred Blue-Eyes White Dragon to Red-Eyes Black Dragon. :tongue: Still, Alduin, nor any religion will solve the issue in Windhelm. A non-violent compromise to me sounds like a winner.

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Post » Wed Jun 12, 2013 5:09 pm

Non-violence? Modern day Nords? You humor me.

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Post » Wed Jun 12, 2013 2:29 pm

Yes, all Elves as far as I know naturally have longer life spans than all humans, and perhaps the beast races too. I'm not too sure about them.

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Post » Thu Jun 13, 2013 3:58 am

It can be done, so long as they leave their swords and axes at home and try to restrain themselves. Surely my character Aragon isn't the only Nord that can actually reason with others, I hope.

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Post » Thu Jun 13, 2013 12:22 am

Oh yeah, forgot about her and that old Nord custom or whatever you wanna call it. I think I always sacrificed her to Boethiah actually... :whistling:

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Post » Wed Jun 12, 2013 6:00 pm

*thinks of good old days*

What a fine thrall adviser you would have made. I'm more hopeful that Valdar will realize the error of his ways and release me, than the modern Nords being reasonable.

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Post » Wed Jun 12, 2013 2:27 pm

Alright, so lets just say they are greatly contributing. I don't know enough to say you're wrong or right, so I'll just assume that you are right.

Still the fact remains. They have been given free housing, and are complaining they aren't very nice? Are you kidding me? You don't complain about free stuff. It's free for a reason. Oh, I'm aware that they might have been taxed, or something to that effect. Even still, they were given an entire city district to live in for next to nothing.

And if it wasn't in pristine condition when it was given to them, why should it be Ulfric's problem to fix it up? They have had time to make it nice then.
That's really too bad that Ulfric is draining resources (again, just taking your word for it). They'll just have to wait until it is over. It would be ridiculous to waste his resources to fix the quarters of people who don't even support him.
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Post » Thu Jun 13, 2013 12:07 am

Thrall? Ha, you're funny. :D We're still friends though big guy, so long as you don't try killing any innocents. That's the Brotherhood's job. :wink:

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Post » Thu Jun 13, 2013 5:15 am

This. "Beggars can't be choosers."

That could be an idea for a mod to fix up the Grey Quarter actually. I always sided with the Stormcloaks, so once the war is over, why not put some of those men and resources to work and repair the city with the Dunmers' help?

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