Doing the math that gives us 25 weapons (5 classes x 5 tiers) plus 2 extra weapons (27 total weapons in the GRA DLC according to the announcement). Knowing this, some reasonable assumptions can be made by filling in the weapon slots where there are missing unique and/or non-unique variants and adding a dose of wishful thinking.
Anyway, here are my predictions. Please feel free to include your own GRA weapon predictions... :thumbsup:
- T1(00-24) Unique Silenced .22 Pistol
- T2(25-49) Unique 10mm Pistol (Silenced)
- T3(50-74) Non-Unique "This Machine" Variant w/ mods (I'm also hoping for a Unique Lever-Action Shotgun and/or mods for that gun, but there are only so many slots)
- T4(75-99) Unique Assault Carbine (Silenced - Similar to Lily's AC)
- T5(100) Unique Anti-Materiel Rifle
Energy Weapons
- T1(00-24) Unique Plasma Pistol
- T2(25-49) Unique Plasma Defender
- T3(50-74) Unique Multiplas Rifle
- T4(75-99) Unique Tri-Beam Rifle
- T5(100) Unique Plasma Caster
- T1(00-24) Return of the Nuka Grenade
- T2(25-49) Unique Grenade Rifle
- T3(50-74) MFC Cluster Mine
- T4(75-99) Unique Grenade Launcher
- T5(100) Esther - Unique Mini Nuke Launcher
- T1(00-24) Unique Knife
- T2(25-49) Unique Baseball Bat
- T3(50-74) Nuka Breaker - Unique Rebar Club
- T4(75-99) Unique Cattle Prod
- T5(100) Unique Chainsaw
- T1(00-24) Craftable Throwing Knives
- T2(25-49) Craftable Throwing spears/hatchets
- T3(50-74) Return of the Deathclaw Gauntlet
- T4(75-99) Unique Mantis Gauntlet
- T5(100) Unique Ballistic Fist
Final 2 Gun Runner's Arsenal Weapons
- (26th Weapon) Katana/Samurai Sword
- (27th Weapon) Bozar - Unique Light Machine Gun
12 Ga Dragon's Breath - Unique Riot Shotgun or new 12 ga ammo type?