The Gun That Aims Itself

Post » Fri Apr 04, 2014 4:36 am

For once we agree on something.

This is the stupidest thing I've seen. It takes away the difficulty of killing a person, making it just a "click of a button" activity.

Bring back the days of sword fighting, were soldiers actually needed prowess and skill to be successful, just the mindless ability to flick a trigger.

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Post » Fri Apr 04, 2014 3:39 am

I'm inclined to disagree with you. The bullet isn't guided. It still carries the chance of missing. If the target moves you will still miss. It just put the bullet on target. It won't track or follow a moving target. If you notice, everything they hit in the video was stationary.

I did not actually have a chance to watch the whole video; I'm at work so if at some point they switched to moving targets then I apologize.

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Post » Fri Apr 04, 2014 2:23 am

Not to insult one of the UK's greatest PMs, but war has never been glorious. A battle can be glorious. A fight can be glorious.

War though is never glorious.

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Chelsea Head
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Post » Fri Apr 04, 2014 10:41 am

How about getting rid of violence altogether? Okay that's an impossible task, but weapons are wrong regardless of how aesthetically pleasing they are/were. It blows my mind that there are such things as "gun-stores" in America. No offence intended Americans, it just hurts my brain how anyone can own a gun in some countries. I would never have the self-esteem needed to own a weapon.

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Charity Hughes
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Post » Fri Apr 04, 2014 5:27 am

You hold the trigger in, which normally fires a gun, but instead it waits until you aim your gun so that you'll hit your target. It takes into account distance, wind, gravity, etc, etc.

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Elisabete Gaspar
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Post » Fri Apr 04, 2014 8:26 am

Protection. Hunting. Those are the two reasons I have to own a gun. Not sure if I have the "self-esteem" but I certainly know how to operate it. I just think that there are too many variables to rely on a police force and expect them to be perfect. If someone breaks in my house, I would like to have a way to defend myself. But, even though I've grown up with guns, I can see why someone wouldn't like them. They're a symbol of mans constant inability to do violent acts, as evidenced over and over again.

As for the topic, that's pretty cool. But, like was said above, the person still has to move and aim at the target.
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Penny Flame
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Post » Fri Apr 04, 2014 6:17 am

It's in the Constitution (well... no, that discussion's against forum rules, so we'll go with it's in the constitution) because of the Revolutionary War. A lot of things are there so that the people have the capacity to rebel. The war actually started with British troops going to confiscate American weapons.

Gun stores are there because if it's legal, there a business opportunity. Semi-automatics and etc... well, once again, I can't discuss that.

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Post » Fri Apr 04, 2014 8:44 am

Enemy steals chip, makes copies = impervious to your bullets.

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Richard Dixon
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Post » Fri Apr 04, 2014 4:10 am

I can understand that, it makes sense to have some way of defending yourself in a violent country, but pardon me if I don't like seeing people having fun with guns. I don't like people laughing and shooting at ranges, I don't like to see shooting as a hobby. If I lived in a violent area, I'd probably use my hypothetical gun on someone other than the people commiting the violence, if you catch my drift.

EDIT: Just to be clear, I'm talking about myself. :tongue: I wouldn't hurt anyone else.

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Post » Fri Apr 04, 2014 3:35 am

You own knives and other objects that can be used to cause harm. In effect you own several weapons already.

I believe there are gun stores in every country, there is just so much legislation around actually being able to own one legally in other countries

A passive world is impossible because to have that you'd need to change every singly living thing on this Earth's natural instincts so that they no longer hunt, no longer strive for dominance, no longer set up boundaries/territories (countries for humans), privacy would be abolished and your life open to all the world. So many things that would take centuries to achieve...and it'd involve oppression and violence to actually achieve as well. There is no passive route to pacifism.

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Charlie Ramsden
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Post » Fri Apr 04, 2014 7:15 am

So you're saying people owning guns shouldn't enjoy learning how to use them and should remain untrained in the use of firearms?

I don't know but I;d rather people were trigger happy and train at ranges, than some hooded degenerate on a street corner "learning" by pot shotting other people.

If you lived in a violent area, you'd try move out of it.

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Gill Mackin
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Post » Fri Apr 04, 2014 9:07 am

Right, it fires when on target. Once the bullet leaves the gun it's on it's own. You can not guide the bullet to the target. If the target moves, the bullet misses or does not hit the target where it was supposed to. True, the gun takes all the guesswork out for you but it does not guarantee a hit or kill.
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Harry Hearing
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Post » Fri Apr 04, 2014 1:14 am

You don't learn to shoot in the same way that you learn to read music or learn to speak French. It's not an art, and should only be done when absolutely necessary. You're right I would, that's exactly what I would do. But I'm trying to say that I could never hold a gun in my hands for whatever reason.

On topic: What's so bad about making shooting easier? Again, shooting isn't an art, what's not to like about being able to do what's necessary to survive in some countries with ease?

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Steven Nicholson
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Post » Fri Apr 04, 2014 10:18 am

That technology already does exist. There are plenty of guns and gun manufacturers that already employ technology that will only allow the owner of the gun fire it.
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Kerri Lee
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Post » Thu Apr 03, 2014 9:25 pm

I'm glad i live in a country where such statement is absurd :smile: Well, except the "expect to be perfect" part. of course.

Anyway, technolonogy-wise very impressive. And these technologies will no doubt be useful in some civilian applications too. Many good and useful things have come from military technology before.
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Devin Sluis
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Post » Fri Apr 04, 2014 12:27 am

Yes you do, repeating the steps over and over, that's what learning is until you achieve desired results (in this case hitting a bullseye). No one claimed shooting was an art, nor is speaking French mind you. If you own a gun I'd say it's mandatory you receive training, so it's absolutely necessary you go to a range and fire off shots - or get rid of the gun.

Good for you, no one is likely to ever force one into your hand. Why you'd have that worry is beyond me.

Making shooting easier is on par with using drones to kill people. It takes a lot of emotion out of it, it'll just be looked at as an easy thing, on par with shooting someone in a game. You're so detached from what's happening that you'll feel little for taking the life, because the gun did all the work.

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Post » Fri Apr 04, 2014 5:37 am

This is scary to me, but guns were made to kill. Of course I'd be scared of them.

Pretty much impossible in practice. We are a violent species. Technically, less violence is going on in the world than it did years ago, though. The news just doesn't like us knowing about the world not svcking as much anymore and good news doesn't really get as much attention. Just be glad we are more like a happy medium between bonobos and chimpanzees, or we'd be way more violent than we already are or way more peaceful than we should be. Bonobos are called the hippy apes for a reason(they even will take in injured animals and give them a hand) and chimpanzees are actually some of the most aggressive apes to exist today right up there with humans.

Chimps even start wars. These wars sometimes contain human made weapons they've discovered. I wouldn't be surprised if at least one wild chimp has discovered how to use guns and has a stockpile of them for his group and himself. The most chimps have bothered to learn to use has been knives, luckily. Though, that's probably worse since if they found out throwing those could be even more deadly, we'd have a ninja chimp on the loose.

As for the whole gun thing, hardly offended. Though, we do have some regulations, they certainly aren't perfect. Let's just put that whole gun control thing in a safe for a day when the mods are asleep at best, though. That topic causes a crap storm larger than the most clogged up toilet in the bathroom. I don't have the self esteem to have a gun of my own, either, and hate being around them. My dad is a cop in training, though, so he sort of needs to have them around the house... I just wish he'd get a gun safe already so I don't have to look at these things.

Shooting is far from even being a craft. This certainly will help with less wasting of bullets, at least. All that lead can't be good to let lay around. Heck, grenades can stay live for decades. That's actually worse than lead bullets covering an area, come to think of it...

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Jamie Moysey
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Post » Fri Apr 04, 2014 12:10 am

Yeah, bring back swords and lords! Give me some light armor and a light blade and I'll poke so many holes to whoever needs to be turned into swiss cheese!

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Chris Duncan
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Post » Fri Apr 04, 2014 6:22 am

*points at enemy*

*begins to pull trigger*

*Ally appears in front at the last second*

*Gun activates AUTO-SAFETY*

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Dylan Markese
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Post » Fri Apr 04, 2014 1:10 am


This had me holding back laughter in work :D

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Megan Stabler
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Post » Fri Apr 04, 2014 7:52 am

A rather delusional outlook. Violence is not exclusive to humans, it's part of nature as a whole. And if anything, humans have become less violent in today's world where firearms have advanced greatly than when we lived in our own waste with swords and axes. Violence will always have a place in this world and there will always be weapons in such conflict. I don't know how you consider it "wrong".
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Emily Graham
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Post » Fri Apr 04, 2014 3:46 am

I don't understand comments like these. Why is it "scary"? And why are you "scared"?

You do realize a gun will not kill you right? If you put a loaded gun on a table it's not going to jump down or stand up and shoot you all on it's own. The gun is not what kills you, it's the person holding the gun that kills you. The gun is just a tool as a hammer is a tool. Each are designed for a specific purpose and neither is dangerous on their own. They need to be interacted with to complete their purpose. A hammer laid next to a nail will not instinctively hammer that nail into the wood. Both objects need to be manipulated to complete their intended purpose. Same as a gun.

The title of the documentary and this thread in itself are both misleading. The gun does not aim itself. Left alone the gun does nothing. It requires an operator to aim the gun. It requires an operator to fire the gun. All it does it "marks" the intended target. It does not mean that the bullet will hit the target it only means that all of the variables to hit the target are figured out. All you need to do is point the gun in the direction and at the target you want to hit. If it moves, it needs to be re-tagged or re-marked. Just because you mark it doesn't mean you're going to hit it.

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